Wednesday, 24.January, 2007.
Well, time flies like devil. We have winter here and it seems we could bring you another hot news from World of Game Mods and World of Game Mids. And there will be quite lot of new music records from both sides of ocean now! Thanks to all contributors for this, especially Accatone and Pelya, which uploaded simply the most this time. Enjoy it all!
Tuesday, 7.November, 2006.
Long time haven't seen you guys
Well, another update of World of Game Mods and World of Game Mids is coming, today you can enjoy great submissions from EdMan6623 (finally Elvira!
and also some more great soundtracks), as well as some of perfect arrangements of very rare Amiga-tunes from Okeanos (all of them originally in Exotic-amiga formats, so they are are brand new tunes playable in mod-arranged versions!). Also thanks to all others who submitted anything in past almost 3 months and were patient enough to wait until next archive update. I know the updates don't come often, but don't worry, they always come! (at least, they always did come
Thursday, 24.August, 2006.
Hello in cold August
In cold August it's good to bring hot update of World of Game Mods and World of Game Mids, so you got it. Hm, haven't I heard that somewhere before?
Well, really enjoy this update like I did; I really like these tunes, they are mostly very well done and I recommend you to listen music from games like Atari Karts, Apocalypse Abyss or new MIDI additions. This update is mostly from games I never heard they exist, but what a great music they have!
Btw., small offtopic, but I really like look of this page (works only under Opera or Firefox). Isn't it a bit familiar to you?
Tuesday, 4.July, 2006.
Hello in the hot summer
In hot summer it's good to bring hot update of World of Game Mods and World of Game Mids, so you got it
This time I have especially to thank Mirwais57 for his great Midi submissions, but also to all other great people who find a bit of time, uploaded something and then were able to wait looong time for archive/database updates. You know the time will always come ;)
I also have to thank to Mwyann and Ziphoid - thanks to these guys the site has after long time two new archive mirrors, so you can choose which place is best for you to download.
Thursday, 25.May, 2006.
Here comes another cool update! This one comes after a bit crazy time, where we had several server issues, which we surprisingly successfully survived.
Thanks to this you can see this fresh update of World of Game Mods and World of Game Mids, especially Game Mods section is now full of very well done MOD tunes from various less known games, which are here for your listening pleasure thanks to Accatone. Also several another archives were updated or added. Unfortunately, server issues caused a small bug in uploading engine, thanks to which the upload didn't work in first half of May. I'm sorry for this and now the upload should work perfectly again