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Showing reviews 1-20 from 3005:

Deus Ex: Game rip
"A Legendary Soundtrack" (by jc, 23 Jan 2025) [10/10]
Fantastic rip. Hong Kong number one.

FreeDoom: Game rip
"Soundgoodloool" (by Akzodos, 22 Dec 2024) [10/10]
Looooooooolbestgames ever

FreeDoom: Game rip
"Soundgoodloool" (by Akzodos, 22 Dec 2024) [2/10]

Duke Nukem 3D: Game rip
"Time to Kick Ass" (by Travis, 30 Oct 2024) [10/10]
Time to kick ass, and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum...

<3 it

Starfox (Nintendo): Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Awesome stuff" (by MabsKMK, 31 Aug 2024) [10/10]
Congratulations! the soundtrack is amazing, just like in the real game.

Dare to Dream: Game rip
"Dare to Dream" (by Dream_catcher_house, 29 Apr 2024) [8/10]
I'm glad I finished the Dare to Dream games because now I never have to play them again and can put them out of my mind. It wasn't entirely terrible, but it started with enough promise that the eventual descent into pixel-hunting annoyance felt even worse than it otherwise would have. If there had been a more compelling story to carry me through I might not have minded so much, but the games relied too much on the dream conceit to have things just happen without a reason or logic. Occasionally something would be pointed out--the newspaper was apparently Tyler's feelings about his paper route--but otherwise we were just performing bizarre tasks for an uncertain reward with nothing really to look forward to other than the next puzzle beyond that. Just like real life. photo cripes.001.gif

First Samurai: Game rip
"Yes it is possible" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [10/10]
I love this game and intro. Intro so fine and music is so good. Watching and listening music with open mounth. I love this one intro music. Simple and in skin music. Something what you need.

Full Contact: Game rip
"Full music" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [10/10]
Chinese dream its one of the best music in Amiga world. I love this music more than game. Game is good too, nut music is best.

Lotus Turbo Challenge 2: Game rip
"Lotus 2" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [10/10]
I love this music on my A500+. Nice stereo and nice motive. Very often I listen this classic music from Amiga world. Good game with very good intro music.

Gods: Game rip
"Gods of music" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [10/10]
I love this music so much. When I listen first time on my Amiga 500plus and stereo repro I was out of my music mind. Best of best amiga game music.

Turrican 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"One of best" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [10/10]
Yes its true, one of best music ever. Turrican II title music. Nice intro.

Xenon 2: The Megablast: Game rip
"Good, so good" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [9/10]
Very good game music. Very nice rif for my ears. Very good classic and many remix on youtube with videos.

Assassin (Team 17): Game rip
"Nice classic" (by Streki, 22 Mar 2024) [9/10]
Yes, its my favourite music mod from Team 17. Nice intro, end game music.

Battle Isle 2: Game rip
"A demo of the great tunes, at best" (by zomg111, 19 Mar 2024) [4/10]
Due to CD space limitations, the tracks are all cut short to the point where they are rather a demo of the original tunes at less then 2 mins length each. Very disappointing. They should habe left out the 3d unit animations and provided the full score instead imho.

Tomb Raider 2: Game rip
"Mostly short ambient pieces, but good" (by zomg111, 19 Mar 2024) [8/10]
Mostly very short but good ambient pieces of <1 min duration in this. Still a decent listen. I suppose tracks were cut short due to CD ROM storage limitations.
The classical piece (Track 2) as mentioned by reviewer above stands out. Would be interesting to know if it was included in the remaster, too.

Star Control 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Star control 2" (by Kirby karbs, 10 Mar 2024) [10/10]
It’s an awesome game and I just want the music from Marc brown it is an amazing soundtrack

Hi Octane: Game rip
"Still amazed" (by pazhosch, 8 Dec 2023) [10/10]
how cool (technically) the game was made, with only 512kb of sampler memory!

Monkey Shines: Game rip
"Perhaps the greatest forgotton soundtrack to an amazing game!" (by BatmansDeathGrip, 3 Oct 2023) [10/10]
This game has almost long since been forgotten. To those of us that still remember this game all 5 levels have amazing music to them. The first, and only free level that was playable from the freeware version, is probably the most classic music that most remember from this game. Has a great beat that really sets the mood for the "Spooked" title and level. The following four levels also have fantastic scores that are more than fitting for setting the presence of the level. Spaced Out, About the House, In the Drink, and In the Swing soundtracks are superb and much like the first levels music are absolutely amazing! If you haven't had the opportunity to listen to these five tracks and like the older music style of computer game music, I would beg you to take a listen for yourself! You won't be disappointed! :)

Heretic: Game rip
"throback" (by Chaz, 7 Jun 2023) [9/10]
back to the dark garagge at midnight...hours in the game.

Unreal (Epic Megagames): Game rip
"Nice archive" (by MabsKMK, 1 Aug 2022) [10/10]
Awesome work, thanks alot !

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