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Showing reviews 2141-2160 from 3001:

Cold blood: Game rip
"Hell gates opening..!" (by Dr. Spa, 21 Jul 2004) [10/10]
Talk about Tekno!!! This is just what I was looking for to show to my mate working at MadMouseGames... He asked for what seemed like HardTekno music With samples like great big Toms and stuff!! It reminds me of Hell and like it has gates and they open and you drift inside!!! Sort of like that 3D film they launched in 2003 in the UK where you had to where those glasses, What was it called??? Haunted house or something??? Anyway whatever the weather get it, keep it and if you really like it and wanna show support review it!!!

Unreal: Game rip
"Unreeeeeal" (by Dr. Spa, 21 Jul 2004) [10/10]
I sorry I couldn’t download this whole thing --been having tremendously bad internet speed (under 1.2k/sec). I had to download only a few... After looking at few reviews I downloaded the most recommended ones, Unreal Main Title and Mechanism eight. I’m telling you after listening to all music in my life - Unreal Main Title is a New type of gamemusic... From position 03 and on is a new world - a new world of music... Mechanism eight is nothing special probably a 7/10 on its own... Download Unreal and Unveil Great Rock Music

Ultimate Gameboy Simulator: Game rip
"It sure is Ultimate!!!" (by Dr. Spa, 21 Jul 2004) [9/10]
What a great Medley! I seem to think there are thousands of tunes with this melody (Supercars 2, Outrun, Unkn001 from C64 (Medleys) and much more...) but I seem to think for some reason this was the best one and still is! All you need to do is turn the volume down a bit aware that the loud-ish samples wont harm you, Turn to MONO and play! P.S I would recommend to use Modplug --Much better quality than Protracker but if you have Protracker or something else it still ain't that bad...

Alien Breed 3D 2: Game rip
"How much aliens are there??!" (by Dr. Spa, 21 Jul 2004) [6/10]
Some very short and simple ones here... New well done is excellent --yes I know the playtime is only 8 seconds but it really is one of the best sound clips I’ve heard, It sounds like this clip could be used in an even more popular game like Final Fantasy!!! The other one is pathetic. I’m not just saying that, it has no melody at all, no samples except for a bass sound which you can’t hear and another of the same this time with a little drum at the start... The chances of the person you made THAT song doing a compo and not getting disqualified is the same odds as if a rock could talk! A 9/10 for “New Well Done”. A 1/10 for “packed test”.

Final Fantasy 8: Game rip
"Final Fantasy VIII" (by X, 21 Jul 2004) [10/10]
This was by far one of my favorite games in the series!!! The soundtrack is great and I recommend picking it up if you really like the Final Fantasy series

Legend of Mana: Original soundtrack
"Great Soundtrack, Bought it about a 2 years ago!" (by Munk, 21 Jul 2004) [9/10]
This Soundtrack is just great. To get the full effect you have to play the game and get into it. While I listened to the CDs, I could picture every thing I did in my mind, and even wanted to play the game. This CD has several moods from happiness/peaceful to dark/mysterious. I favored the second CD more because of the Jumi-era/Dragoon part. This music is very melodic and offers alot for whoever may purchase it. I personally like this soundtrack more than others. Overall, the soundtrack is put together well and is full of emotion. I would give this a 9/10. It loses a point because some of the songs get really repetative (like I said, be into the game). Dont cry for a Jumi, you'll turn to stone ;) ;)

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Street Fighter III 3rd Strike" (by X, 21 Jul 2004) [9/10]
This is a great game and the soundtrack kick @$$ but the gameplay could be a little better but other than that I would recommend the game to anyone interested in playing the street fighter series.

Desert Strike: Game rip
"Desert Strike" (by Belmakor, 20 Jul 2004) [9/10]
This has got to be one of my favourite game scores of all time. Sounds just like the game.

Alien 3: Game rip
"Alien 3" (by Belmakor, 20 Jul 2004) [7/10]
Well put together, the 'Level 1' score sounds just like the original, not sure bout the rest. I could never pass level 2 :p

Blaster Master: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Blaster Master" (by Belmakor, 20 Jul 2004) [4/10]
Not incredibly accurate, mind you the songs were nothing special themselves

Last Ninja 2, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Last Ninja 2 Tunes" (by Dufus, 20 Jul 2004) [10/10]
One of the BEST tunes I ever heared

Mario Paint: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Decent" (by ducky, 20 Jul 2004) [6/10]
A decent collection, but is sadly missing the one piece of music I was looking for. On the title screen, when you click on different things (like the letters in the title), the music changes. There's one letter (I think it's the "O" which explodes) that causes the music to become nothing more than simple gameboy-like beeps. The song was later featured in Animal Crossing.

Maniac Mansion: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Great collection" (by ducky, 20 Jul 2004) [7/10]
This is a nice overall collection of music from Maniac Mansion, with some interesting remixes thrown into the bunch. Exactly what I was looking for.

Dragon Ball Z 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Meh..." (by Ryana, 20 Jul 2004) [5/10]
Fairly good for its size. If it were longer or had more tracks in it, it would have gotten a seven at least. 5/10.

Sonic Chaos: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Okay..." (by Ryana, 20 Jul 2004) [2/10]
This is old classic. Pity its only one song. And that it only lasts for 21 seconds.

Sonic Adventure: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Wow.." (by Ryana, 20 Jul 2004) [10/10]
And to think that I've been listening to this music for about four months without writing a review for it...I must be an idiot...*coughs*...uh...whoops, I've been typing without thinking again, haven't I?
Well it's good music, so I'll give it 10/10.

7th Legion: Game rip
"Behold, the power of TRACKER!" (by CheapAlert, 19 Jul 2004) [10/10]
It sounds so good I quickly forget it's even an .xm. For it's time (mid 1997), tracked game music sounded nowhere as good as this, even later Epic Games don't match up to it. Also have fond memories of playing this on my 486 dx4 120MHz :D

Super Smash Bros: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"WOW WOW WOW" (by jay, 17 Jul 2004) [9/10]
i am so amazed by all the different kinds of music in this batch. i personally like all these files and they are each unique. i have to admit, though that not all of them sound like the way its played in the actual game, but like i said it makes the, more unique and very hard to find anywhere else on the net

A.T.F. 2: Game rip
"A Terrible F***" (by Dr. Spa, 17 Jul 2004) [2/10]
This is the worst you can get --this cant even get even worse I'd rather live with a beehive on my head than listen to this a few times...

Super C: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Super Contra!!!!!!" (by Dr. Spa, 17 Jul 2004) [10/10]
I love this game!!! I always remember playing it on the intellivision and heaing this great song!! This is the stage 1 part which might/probally be the best music on the intellivision! The samples might sound a little rough but it mostly the melody that count...

This is where I add up the points:
Sample Ranges-8/10
Intro & Ending-10/10

Average is 9.25 --It deserves at least a 10/10

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