Super Mario Bros: Arranged/Remixed tunes
Game info
Name: Super Mario Bros
Characteristics: Jump'n'Run
Publisher: Nintendo
Developers: Nintendo, Ninetndo
Original/port composer: Koji Kondo
Commodore 64/128
PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16
Nintendo Ent. System (1985)
Arcade (1986)
Music info
Released: 1985
Related Plaform: Nintendo Ent. System
Format: Tracked music (MOD / XM / S3M / IT)

Composers of these tunes: Memblers, Borgar Thorsteinsson, Tr3forever, Mankeli, Kasper Hoeglund, H.Muhammad, Dtn, NESMusa, Maxime Abbey
Source / Archiver / Ripper: Mirsoft, Dr. Spa, dgby1719
Music type: Arranged/Remixed tunes 
Archived process: Archived completely
Num of tunes: 19
Size of archive: 1.42 MBytes
User reviews
- "The best arcade game ever!" (by Dr. Spa, 28 Jun 2004) [9/10]
The Best tunes with a melody to die for! The ones I uploaded, Maxime Abbey and NeSmUsA, are some of the best ones. Not too keen on Nesmusa this time but Maxime Abbey has really done a remix! The other melodies are cool too:
Underground - There's alot of these ones, There not really great but they are also tiny little memories!
Water - Not reconisable at the start due to not much Water levels but if you listen closely you can hear the water music
Castle - I cant play it!!! Shame because the real soundtrack is so cool!
Starman - Too quick and uhh... how can I explain it... hmm... Too simple
- "Great remixes" (by Nishimura, 14 Oct 2004) [9/10]
I liked almost all the songs, they're really great. That's it!!
- "Music = Pretty neat." (by MetroMan, 20 Apr 2006) [8/10]
The songs were simple, yes, but the remixes made them better. This file is great! It brings back memories... :)
- "Rules" (by s0lo, 11 Jun 2006) [8/10]
Rings like a hundred bells. reminds me of the good old days. Allot of remixes of mario tunes.
- "Go Mario!" (by Stormtrooper595, 22 Feb 2009) [9/10]
I love the music on smb and I think most of the music for this pack is pretty good.
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Other tools
Generate info.txt - with this cool feature you can generate the info.txt file with all tune information and save it somewhere, which means you'll have something like "tune ID card"! :) This has cool advantages - it's small, fastly readable/editable, you can add it to the tune archive if you want and you will have everytime fast information about the game and music archive. Also programs which support reading from txt files (such as KBMedia Player) can read the info.txt file directly while playing tunes of all formats!
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