Tepe informationNick: TepeTepe's reviews:
"Old shooting game" (by Tepe, 13 Jul 2007) [9/10] Start is massivesounds containing churchorgan and other sounds. But i like more when tune are going over 1min. Basic C64 staff and that means very great. I think C64 win even mighty amiga to tunes. Oh i almost forgot second tune of this archive(nice pianosong) Rasputin: Arranged/Remixed tunes "I like..." (by Tepe, 13 Jul 2007) [7/10] turn up volumes long time ago when i play rasputin on my dear C64. Speaker has been very hard. This remixed tune not contains almost anything bass. Sad because that Russian tune is very great and listenable even many years has pass Rainbow Islands: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Fat boy..." (by Tepe, 13 Jul 2007) [7/10] Shoot rainbows. Nice game and nice remixed tunes. Somehow when i listen that tunes i want to singing karaoke. Maybe if i singing karaoke nice tunes not are anymore nice. Anyway download, listen and relax this 2 tunes Rambo: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Stallone in action" (by Tepe, 26 Jun 2007) [7/10] Tune from the movie is great and original game title tune and this remixed versions also. Remixed versions is little bit worse. Title tunes start is great but after then something i feel it is strenuous R-Type: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Atari version" (by Tepe, 26 Jun 2007) [6/10] Chris Huelsbeck make Amiga version tunes. Atari versions are other composer. I notice that after i download tunes. Sad because i hoping that i get great title tune by Chris Huelsbeck Prince of Persia: Game rip "Prince saves the princess" (by Tepe, 25 Jun 2007) [7/10] Amiga versions are little different. I played prince of persia in both machines and i think it is very playable game this time and future. Tunes are simple but make good atmosphere in game PowerMonger: Game rip "Turn up volume" (by Tepe, 25 Jun 2007) [2/10] or you dont hear anything or maybe it is better One instrument and little more 3 min long. Not much to tell childrens childs Populous: Arranged/Remixed tunes "God game" (by Tepe, 25 Jun 2007) [8/10] Best game idea ever. Tune reflect good and bad fighting together. I like especially choir part in this tune Panther: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Dont download" (by Tepe, 25 Jun 2007) [2/10] I give low points on that remix because i dont ever hear baddest remix. I get sick when i listen this Nemesis the Warlock: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Good original" (by Tepe, 25 Jun 2007) [5/10] but that remixed not are my taste and i think everybody who listen original tune of nemesis of the warlock and listen then that remixed versions have been disappointed Monty on the Run: Arranged/Remixed tunes "I dont remember this game" (by Tepe, 25 Jun 2007) [8/10] only music and c64 loading pic. My favourity tunes in that 6 is highscore mids. Slowly, melodic and nice ones. Others not are bad too Monkey Island 2: Game rip "Adventure game" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2007) [8/10] Best adventure game ever or maybe monkey island 1 is better. Tunes fit perfektly on differents part and places on the game. Great collection to everybody who played that game. Others maybe dont get these tunes very much Monkey Island 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Jazz and reggae" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2007) [5/10] Sounds like mix of jazz and reggae. I dont remember that tune. Maybe thats why its not special for me and second thing is i dont like jazz Lotus 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes "More speed" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2007) [6/10] Very effective racing game long time ago, thanks to great music and over 1 million possible tracks!!! but these looks very much same. This remixed tune not are same quality that original and that drop the points Lemmings: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Poor little lemmings" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2007) [9/10] Nice graphics, music and different puzzlegame makes that game unforgettable. I'm very happy when i listening lemmings music because i can see my mind greenhaired little mans walking in one after another Last Ninja, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "My favourity game on the C64 time" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2007) [8/10] and favourity music. I spend very much time with that game long time ago and never get tired to game and gamemusic. Remixed versions are little simpler that originals but good anyway Last Ninja 3, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Trilogys last part" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [5/10] 4 tunes and every are same boring mass. Not my favourity and i think nobody else Last Ninja 2, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Same word again" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [6/10] I have many times say that originals are better and i say again. Ofcourse there are many good remixes too. I remember that mirsoft modlist contains better last ninja 2 remixes Jim Power: Game rip "Amiga music" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [5/10] Not much to say. Listenable maybe one or two times but then coming despair and can't listen anymore. Many other amiga games contains much better tunes what that are Ikari Warriors: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Short one" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [2/10] And a bad one. Only good thing at that tune is very short IK Plus: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Best karate game" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [6/10] Awful tune. Original is much better. Tune are little better when it's go over middle. It's crow little points Hybris: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Shooting game on the year" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [7/10] Great, massive shooting game. Music is also great at least original amiga version. That remixed version it not really great but are ok Humans 3: Game rip "Puzzle to cavemans" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [6/10] PC versions are little differets as amiga versions but i identify instantly that tunes. Happy tunes. Thats why that are strenuous Human Race, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "C64 tunes" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [9/10] I don't remember game but something when i seeing list of gamemusic i remember that human race contains good music and so it be. Except hum-race is awful but human4 is worth of ten points Highlander: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Queens old song" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [8/10] One of the best song what ever made by queen. This remixed tune is good but not have very good quality and this drop the points but anyway listenable Green Beret: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Really impressive" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [10/10] I loved that 2 tunes. Not too much different in the original but better sounds. Original is unforgettable and this remixed versions too Ghosts 'n' Goblins: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Knight on the graveyard" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [8/10] 2 good 2 bad. Ghostsgob and gg1awe sounds like circus songs where clowns doing crazy things. That 2 are bad. Other 2 are great and i crow points Druid: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Happy happy" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [5/10] Happy flute tune. OK but awful claps sounds spoil the nice tune. Sad Doom 2: Game rip "Good but..." (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [5/10] Only with the playing game. Without playing that tunes sounds little bit like old sierras adventure games but much speedy. Points what i give are without playing doom 2 Defender of the Crown: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Classic game" (by Tepe, 19 May 2007) [8/10] 2 different versions of main tune and one version of sword fighting on the castle. Don't wait any more if you want remember old classic tunes of the this game. Small downloading size but good staff Commando: Arranged/Remixed tunes "My favourity" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [8/10] Commando highscore tune is one of the best what i ever hear in the highscore tunes. Ingame music fit this shooting game. Remixed versions sounds original with different and same samples and that is good thing. Some remixes don't remind the original in anything Comic Bakery: Arranged/Remixed tunes "C64 lives forever" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [6/10] Comic tune start very good and almost sounds original but then something going to wrong. Why there are sounds what is like old casetteplayer is near livingtime end or casette or both. Good thing is it that other tunes sounds start to end normal Bubble Bobble: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Little dragons" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [7/10] All tunes from bubble bobble game in remixed versions as nice title screen, happy ingame and little horror tune on the diamond room. Bram Stoker's Dracula: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Kill the vampires" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [7/10] Piano song on the game what contains vampires, coffins, spiders... But this song is nothing like horror music has to be. But anyway listenable song Black Lamp: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Old good song" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [8/10] First time i hear black lamp song many years ago on my friend atari st computer. It is great song and game too. Next years i hear same song but different versions many products as amiga virus program disk. All the years i loved song and this remixed tunes it's no exception. Only blacklamp c64 sounds badder but two others is great staff Beyond the Ice Palace: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Jump and shoot" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [8/10] Simple but i like it,especially choir voices on the tunes. Clear tunes and i give good points. Last words i say that this tunes are nice exception what i loaded on the mid tunes Battle Squadron: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Hybris 2" (by Tepe, 20 Apr 2007) [6/10] Basic staff. Sounds like hundreds others amiga game musics. Batman: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Is that music take to nes?" (by Tepe, 27 Feb 2007) [6/10] Sad. Batman tunes on amiga are much better and nes versions are fully different Arkanoid: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Classic pad and ball game" (by Tepe, 27 Feb 2007) [7/10] Golden memories on the c-64 time. My first game what i played my dear c-64. Remixed tunes remind the original. Not my favourity but mind coming back on the old times Another World: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Flute and jungledrums" (by Tepe, 2 Feb 2007) [1/10] Very small filesize and it sounds like it. This is scumm :( Addams Family, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Addams strange family" (by Tepe, 2 Feb 2007) [6/10] Addams family is strange movie but game is basic jump and run. Remixed gametune is short pianosong and i don't hear many differents to original Zeewolf 2: Game rip "Like Virus game" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10] Tunes are typical wargame music. Not my favourity genre but maybe some gets something that Yie Ar Kung Fu: Arranged/Remixed tunes "I give 10 points" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [10/10] I think that is worth of it Xpedition: Game rip "Hello everybody amiga gamemusic fans" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [9/10] Download this. You don´t disappointment.I am near to end to downloading gamemusic in this site. I am starting to Letter A and now i am in letter X. Ofcourse i some times looking to updates in this site Xenon 2: The Megablast: Game rip "Shoot everything what moves" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10] Mega shooting game many years ago. Music is little poor. Maybe some musicians can make remixes of this tunes. I think more channels, better sounds and little changes to melody we have great tune Wizball: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Paint the world" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10] My favourity song of that 5 tunes is wizball high score. Ah what nice and slowly tune. Not like tittle tune what is horrible listening Wasted Dreams: Game rip "Basic amiga music" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [6/10] Sounds like old amiga game music and i hear more better even last part of 1980 Turrican: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Man in robotsuicide" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10] Great jump and shoot game with excellent music at least to amiga. I never played turrican in C64 so i don´t know how good it is that machine. Turrican C64 remixes sounds nice so originals is maybe too ok Turrican 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Only 3 remixes" (by Tepe, 16 Nov 2006) [8/10] Sad that there are only 3 remixed tunes of turrican 3. I little stay miss out some ingame tunes. Good work on composers Terra Cresta: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Peep peep" (by Tepe, 16 Nov 2006) [4/10] Same start to the end(Oh my poor ears). Target Renegade: Arranged/Remixed tunes "I love that old C-64 sounds..." (by Tepe, 16 Nov 2006) [9/10] ...mixed in this days sounds. Here is my scores to that great remixes Stardust: Game rip "Space rave" (by Tepe, 16 Nov 2006) [8/10] Rave is not my favourity music genre but some slower tunes in Stardust are very listenable RoboCop 3: Game rip "Simple but great" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [8/10] Title tune is very simple but great and it make movie feeling. Ingame music fit the dark atmosphere on the game RoboCop 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Remix of C64 gamemusic robocop 3" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [7/10] Great electricguitar sounds when the tune begin. I think begin is best of that tune Rampage: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Destroy city" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [7/10] I love original tune long time ago on my C64. Everytime when i listen it i turn volumes up. 20 years ago that tune sounds great,nowdays OK Rambo: Game rip "Basic C64 music" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [7/10] No cry of joy when listening that 3 tunes but i get something anyway. Sad that second tune is only 10 second long(Rambo movie contains same song and it is really great) Rambo 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Stallone in action" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [7/10] I have once played Rambo 3 on my amiga and it is enough for me. I have once listen that remixed tunes and it is enough too except level2 tune what raise scores R-Type: Game rip "Not original" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [9/10] Remixed but i don´t hear any differents to original version. Thanks Chris Huelsbeck this tune and many many other amiga tunes what you are make. Great work!! R-Type: Arranged/Remixed tunes "C64 remix" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [4/10] Remix from C64 R-Type gamemusic. Original amiga version is much better. C64 remixed version is boring. Samples are nearly same both versions Pushover: Game rip "Damn!! Tunes is med-format" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [8/10] Winamp didn´t play med-format but i know tunes and that are funny, nice and fit to perfektly in game. Maybe i have to find tracker or player what play med-format and then i can listen that great songs PowerMonger: Game rip "Middleages war music" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [9/10] Old populous clone but music is still sounds like high quality Populous: Game rip "Great god game" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [5/10] Good and evil fighting to this great game. I don´t remember populous tune what i downloaded. Maybe i forgot that. Awful tune. Pole Walki: Game rip "Polish strategy/shooting game" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [7/10] I think Pole walki is little unknown game because nobody have write reviews on that gamemusic and year 1995 and after amiga have been little dead computer. Music is future/war type and sounds OK Pinball Illusions: Game rip "One of the best amiga flipper games" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [9/10] Good gamemusic from Olof Gustafsson. First comes pinball dreams, then pinball fantasies and about 10 years ago pinball illusions. All 3 games contains very effektive music and i have downloaded them all Pinball Fantasies: Game rip "Realistic flipper game" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [8/10] Good work Olof Gustafsson. Stones´n´bones tune contains brilliant soundeffects and other tables also(Good thing to flipper games) Perihelion: The Prophecy: Game rip "Future horror music" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [9/10] Dark music what fit perfektly on the perihelion game atmosphere and is listenable without game too Panther: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Game and demo music" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [9/10] Panther mix is great gamemusic remix. Global trash 3 v2 is tune from old amiga500 demo hardwired and it is also very cool Panther: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Game and demo music" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [9/10] Panther mix tune is great gamemusic remix. Global trash 3 v2 is tune from old amiga500 demo hardwired and is it also cool Pang: Arranged/Remixed tunes "1 short tune" (by Tepe, 4 Jul 2006) [6/10] Not my favourity tune. One time to listen i don´t want listen that more Ocean Loaders: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Old good times" (by Tepe, 2 Jul 2006) [9/10] Golden memories to time when almost everybody my friends owned C64. In my mind coming many things in that time(My friends, Loadermusics, games and horrible longs loading times). Nicky Boom: Game rip "What a feeling!!" (by Tepe, 2 Jul 2006) [10/10] What a feeling when listen that tunes. This is music in my taste!! Nemesis the Warlock: Arranged/Remixed tunes "My favourity game on C64" (by Tepe, 2 Jul 2006) [9/10] One of the best games and gamemusic on the C64. 4 massive and effektive remixed tunes. No many differents on between original and remixed tunes Megaball: Game rip "Arkanoid clone" (by Tepe, 2 Jul 2006) [6/10] Al Mackey make this game and music on it. My favourity tune is ball.main. One tune is med-format and i can´t tested it Magic Pockets: Game rip "Relaxed tune" (by Tepe, 23 Jun 2006) [7/10] Very relaxable tune but how longer you listen that it´s sounds little strenuous Lotus Turbo Challenge 2: Game rip "Originals and 3 remixed tunes" (by Tepe, 23 Jun 2006) [8/10] 3 Cool remixes and old good originals. Loading tunes are very short(About 20-30 seconds.Fit perfektly to scenerys). Other tunes are longer. Both are very listenable Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge: Game rip "Trilogy part 1" (by Tepe, 23 Jun 2006) [8/10] Lotus games contains great racing music. I like especially soundtrack 3. When i long time ago play lotus i everytime chose that tune Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge: Game rip "Trilogy part 1" (by Tepe, 23 Jun 2006) [8/10] Lotus games contains great racing music. I like especially soundtrack 3. When i long time ago play lotus on my amiga i chose everytime that tune Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Like original" (by Tepe, 22 Jun 2006) [7/10] Sounds like original lotus title music. 2 different versions. If you like original you like that remixes Lotus 3: Game rip "Great racing game" (by Tepe, 22 Jun 2006) [9/10] One of the best racing game music ever. 6 ingame and many many loader tunes what are all very listenable. Not bad say from that tunes Lotus 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Cool remixed tunes" (by Tepe, 21 Jun 2006) [8/10] Lotus 3 theme is very fast and cool. Second tune is ingame music and sounds like to C64 music Lost Patrol, The: Game rip "Soldiers in the jungle" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2006) [9/10] Download this. You don´t disappointment though you don´t know game!! Lion King, The: Game rip "Where is titlesong?" (by Tepe, 12 Jun 2006) [7/10] Lion king titlesong is great tune but that is missing. Only ingame music is in the archive. Tunes contains nice and soft junglesounds Lemmings: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Poor little lemmings" (by Tepe, 11 Jun 2006) [7/10] Good tunes to playing lemmings not so good without playing Last Ninja, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Trilogy part 1" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [9/10] Same words what i write Last ninja 2 gamemusic. If you don´t read it score tell everything Last Ninja 2, The: Game rip "Trilogy part 2" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [8/10] I think music makes Last ninja games good. Playable is horrible but excellent tunes saves much Foundation: Game rip "Long live Amiga" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [9/10] I have this game on my Amiga1200 so when i find that gamemusic i was very happy. Now i can listen Foundation gamemusic on my PC. 7 very effective tunes C64 (Medleys) "Some great some rubbish tunes" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [7/10] It´s hard to give score to this tunes. Some really great tunes but some what i can´t listen to end so here is my score Bubble Bobble: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Nostalgia" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [8/10] I like old tunes what are remixed because i can listen my favourite gamemusic better versions(in general that are better than originals) Bomb Mania: Game rip "great amiga gamemusic" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [9/10] Here is great amiga tune. 4 channels is enough to amazing music Bomb Jack: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Happy tune" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [8/10] Happy tune. C-64 sounds together rhythmical reggae make happy feeling Black Lamp: Arranged/Remixed tunes "2 short tunes" (by Tepe, 9 Jun 2006) [7/10] First tune contain wind and lightning sounds. Not my favourite. I like second tune but that are too short(Only 15 seconds) Last Ninja 2, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Remixes of old gamemusic" (by Tepe, 12 May 2006) [8/10] Last ninja games include great music. This is thing why that games are so good. Everybody who played that games remember horribles and hards jumpings. Killing Game Show, The: Game rip "3 tunes from Ray Norrish" (by Tepe, 12 May 2006) [7/10] Credits tune is even thickness. Two next are much better and i like end of ingame music(Great piano melody) Jurassic Park: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Not special but ok" (by Tepe, 12 May 2006) [7/10] Maybe someone like this little boring tune. Going another ear in and other out Jumping Jackson: Game rip "listen and laugh" (by Tepe, 11 May 2006) [9/10] Funniest game music what i ever hear. Different and jolly Impossible Mission 2025: Game rip "Future techno tunes" (by Tepe, 11 May 2006) [8/10] Some good tunes but they are very short. All tunes duration is less than 2 minutes IK Plus: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Eastern feeling" (by Tepe, 11 May 2006) [8/10] Best fighting game music ever. Feel like you are in china, sun going down, beautifuls scenerys... Hybris: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Best shooting game on the year 1988" (by Tepe, 11 May 2006) [8/10] Best shooting game on the year 1988 and meybe best gamemusic on the same year Green Beret: Game rip "C64 Memories" (by Tepe, 8 May 2006) [7/10] It´s take eternity when C64 loads green beret. Good things in waiting is you can listen good music and watching loading picture Great Giana Sisters, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Many many Giana sisters tunes" (by Tepe, 8 May 2006) [8/10] I think when i go soon sleep i hear one think my head : A giana sisters tunes(Not bad thing) Cytadela: Game rip "Massivesounds techno tune" (by Tepe, 8 May 2006) [8/10] Great sounds and melody on the old doom clone Colonization: Game rip "2D strategy game" (by Tepe, 8 May 2006) [8/10] The middle ages music. Nice and beutiful Golden Axe: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Swords and axes swings" (by Tepe, 7 May 2006) [7/10] I played golden axe long time ago and like gametunes. Remixed tunes are OK but still i like more originals Ghostbusters: Arranged/Remixed tunes "A long time ago" (by Tepe, 7 May 2006) [7/10] 3 Old good ghostbusters chip tunes and 1 heavy version Fury of the Furries: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Good remixed tunes" (by Tepe, 7 May 2006) [8/10] Listen Forestt2 - Furry in Forest tune and i think you relax your mind and forget what happening around you Full Contact: Game rip "Chinese music" (by Tepe, 7 May 2006) [8/10] Chinese rhythms and sounds First Samurai: Game rip "Great sounds" (by Tepe, 7 May 2006) [8/10] Great bassdrum and guitar sounds Escape from Colditz: Game rip "Nice and melody" (by Tepe, 7 May 2006) [8/10] Third tune sounds like agony game titlesong Dune: Game rip "These tunes have really something" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [9/10] Music fit perfektly in game. That´s songs make feeling that you are in the dune planet Dragonstone: Game rip "Fantasy music" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [7/10] Nice fantasy music. Not much to more say Double Dragon 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Little disappointment" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [3/10] Annoyance that this tunes have not originals Deep Core: Game rip "Second titlesong is best" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [10/10] Second titlesong is perfect!!!.Many game songs on the amiga computers is great. Sad that today amiga is in the PC shadow Crazy Comets: Arranged/Remixed tunes "C64 music" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [8/10] When i first time hear that tune(About 20 years ago i loved it and today i loved it more because it reminds me old days) Commando: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Nice highscoretunes" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [8/10] Many versions on commando highscoretunes. I really like everythings tunes, also ingame music Cauldron 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Only 42 seconds long tune" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [5/10] Very short remix in old C-64 gamemusic. Horror sounds like laughs and screams BMX Simulator: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Not my favourite" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [3/10] 20 years old tune and not my favourite Beyond the Ice Palace: Game rip "Melody chip music" (by Tepe, 14 Apr 2006) [8/10] Old days gamemusic is better than this days gamemusic Pinball Dreams: Game rip "First realistic pinball game on the computers" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [9/10] Musics fit a perfektly on the game as nightmare tables horror music Great Giana Sisters, The: Game rip "Game looks like a Super Mario Bros" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [7/10] Titlesong is OK. Others songs is not so good Cybernetix: Game rip "I turn speakers volumes up" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [8/10] When i listening this song, i want turn volumes up Bruce Lee: Game rip "Funny game" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [7/10] I like this simple game music and of course this funny game too Breathless: Game rip "Year 1995" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [9/10] About ten years ago, breathless game come to amiga computers. Music in this game is very intresting and sounds are great Another World: Game rip "Great, great and another time great" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [10/10] Great 2D-Action game and great music Alien Breed Special Edition 92: Game rip "I don't remember" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [7/10] It's that song from Alien breed SE 92. I don't remember. OK technosong Agony: Game rip "Good memories" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [9/10] Nice titlesong. Many years ago i recording that song from amiga to casette Turrican 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Excellent music" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [10/10] Old good days come back to my mind. Maybe best computer music what i have ever hear Alien Breed 2: Game rip "Horror continues" (by Tepe, 22 Jan 2006) [10/10] Cool horrorsong from Allister Brimble |