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Showing reviews 1701-1720 from 3001:

Jaguar XJ220: Game rip
"Nice tunes" (by Revenue, 28 Mar 2005) [7/10]
A nice game,with some cool funky tunes,not as good soundtrack as the Lotus serie,but it got some nice tunes.

Superfrog: Game rip
"Super soundtrack" (by Revenue, 28 Mar 2005) [9/10]
I really enjoyed to jump around with the Superfrog in the well graphical designed levels,and with this great soundtrack it was one of my top games to the Amiga.

Pinball Fantasies: Game rip
"Awesome pinball tunes" (by Revenue, 28 Mar 2005) [10/10]
It cant be done better,i remember this game so well,me and my buddy played it all the time,sweet old times,the music is pure awesome,i really like the Speed devil theme,download and enjoy.

Heimdall: Game rip
"Awesome" (by Revenue, 28 Mar 2005) [8/10]
I remember this game so much,i loved it,and the music is just great,the drumming title theme is fantastic

Super DX-Ball: Game rip
"Terrific" (by Dr. Spa, 25 Mar 2005) [10/10]
These are absolutely great songs - I uploaded them with pleasure! Most of these tunes are based on the original tunes from DX-Ball and are remixes. The Tracker of these fantastic tunes is DNA-Groove, along with Sidewinder DNA-Groove makes the best breakout tunes there ever has been!

Ninja Gaiden (Arcade)
"Listen music" (by William, 24 Mar 2005) [7/10]
I'm play this game and liked the music then need listen

Boulderdaesh: Game rip
"Simply great" (by gloom, 24 Mar 2005) [10/10]
I could not believe that this song is for such a game (nice game btw.). It has really good atmosphere and everything... IMHO one of the best music set here...

Arkanoid: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Super music theme but anything else..." (by gloom, 24 Mar 2005) [7/10]
very nice but too short tunes

Axelay: Game rip
"Decent Enough" (by Razorback, 24 Mar 2005) [6/10]
If you are a fan of japanese sci fi game music, then give this a try.

Elder Scrolls, The: Arena: Game rip
"It all began here!" (by Mormaeglin, 23 Mar 2005) [9/10]
Many years passed since this game saw daylight. The first of the great trilogy, the first with a beautiful music. If You want to hear some songs from Daggerfall in their first versions try it, because this soundtrack contains some music from sequel but in orginal form. Great songs for a great game Try them both!

Daggerfall: Game rip
"Timeless!" (by Mormaeglin, 23 Mar 2005) [10/10]
What i can say, in a history of computer games You can find many great soundtracks, but this one carved for itself a special niche. These songs have this special feeling, eerie atmosphere which haunts You forevermore, allows You to cross dimensions, see a world beyond Our reality. For me it`s very special because Daggerfall was one of my first games, and for all these years i loved to play it, and of course listen to this extraordinary great songs. Hail to the compositor, Who summoned this wonderful piece of fantasy to Our world!

Daggerfall: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Timeless remixes?" (by Mormaeglin, 23 Mar 2005) [9/10]
Great uncommon remixes, If You liked orginal try them, they are worth Your time.

Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession: Game rip
"Haunting!" (by Mormaeglin, 23 Mar 2005) [9/10]
At last! a complete soundtrack from a Ravenloft!, excellent, climatic songs which perfectly shows us a dark, haunting atmosphere of Ravenloft. This one is great especialy if You are playing a pen&paper D&D Ravenloft. This one played in a background gave me creeps! absolute must for download!

Star Reach: Game rip
"Dark, cold, epic, like space itself." (by Mormaeglin, 23 Mar 2005) [9/10]
A Sci-Fi sountrack, with a little Star Trek feeling, but in some way a bit diffrent, or even very diffrent especially Scen1.mod a song which contains a space-like atmosphere with a support from a very heavy guitar riffs! truly a space metal! and about other songs? they are still great songs. For example Title-Menu or Scen3.mod. In summary this soundtrack has this kind of atmosphere : dark, cold, epic, like space itself.

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Vampire Killer Remake" (by Darrell, 23 Mar 2005) [10/10]
The first time I sat in front of this magical game that was Harmony Of Dissonance I was expecting something "new plus" (since I was born in 80's), but the surprise kissed my ears when I fall into "Boss Rush Mode"; it was the most incredible arrange of the classic theme "Vampire Killer" full of virtuosism, crescendos, fugues and if it was few: one overwhelming solo! so I played it on my guitar (identically, plus one very little but impressive arrange!) and recorded for those who love it at least almost like me. Where is it, well you have to wait until my page is ready or contact me to: manueldarrell@cantv.net

Karate Kid Part 2: The Computer Game, The: Game rip
"Bad sounding" (by Der Amiganer, 22 Mar 2005) [5/10]
This is really the worst case of game tunes!
The music is from Peter Cetera's "Glory of Love".But the composer (which name we don't know) didn't seem to have any interest to make a good-sounding amiga-version for the game, instead of this he just converted the C64-version!Overall this sounds really bad, but the composition itself is of course very good.

Age Of Wonders: Game rip
"Amazing piece of music!" (by BlueWizard, 22 Mar 2005) [10/10]
This is indeed a must listen!
PLEASE download even if you haven't played the game!

Wing Commander Prophecy: Original soundtrack
"Freshing background" (by Darth Nefelim, 21 Mar 2005) [5/10]
I was enjoying this music while playing... "Wolfenstein 3-D". He-he, it was a really nice background. :-) This is a compiliation of various artits (most of'em aren't very famous) and their song, which were used in the training (simulation) mode of the original game. Good variety, some tracks are really awesome things ("Mercy", "Awakening", "Gravitation Zero"). Sad to say this, it's nothing but a good background.

Gran Turismo: Original soundtrack
"GT car-radio" (by C.a.t., 21 Mar 2005) [10/10]
With the songs of various indie-rock artists,the GT's music is simply fantastic!The superb Cubanate techno,the great Feeder songs and guitar tunes and the Ash,Garbage rockin'...unforgettable!Oh,and who's composed the intro sequence music(some kind of Maniac Street-remix?)???and what's the title of the song?I like it!!!!

Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec: Original soundtrack
"GT3 car-radio" (by C.a.t., 21 Mar 2005) [7/10]
The Feeder is one of my favorite bands...but I have to rate the overall music and that's not perfect...

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