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Showing reviews 1621-1640 from 3001:

Mario Kart 64: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Great Sounding!" (by Der Amiganer, 14 May 2005) [10/10]
A very good arrangement of the original Mario Kart soundtrack!It almost sounds like the original!
Sadly the composers only did some of the tunes of the original soundtrack.But alas...

Unreal Tournament: Operation Na Pali: Game rip
"A TCs music worth the attention." (by Mortar, 14 May 2005) [8/10]
I downloaded the whole TC a while back just to get the music again, thats how good I thought some tracks were. Great stuff.

Settlers, The: Game rip
"SUPERB" (by tonythechevron, 11 May 2005) [10/10]
I've been looking for this tune for forever too and it is easily the best theme song for anything, ever, the end. It reminds me of the 'old days' sitting in my bedroom building farms, cluching fistfulls of cigarettes.

1942: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"rather plain" (by Liebhaber, 11 May 2005) [4/10]
Conversion of the melody from sid tune to mid. The game sound on real C64 sounds better as far as i can remember. This mid isn't advanced enought ;)

Unreal Tournament: NeoCairo: Game rip
"Prize of Worth" (by Darth Nefelim, 11 May 2005) [7/10]
Unreal Trilogy became Legend. And any modifications for this classic games will automatically be estimated under the "reign" of its ancestor. As for me, I can trully say this tunes won't ever take a place at the Unreal Throne. But I'm undoubtedly sure it will take a place near this Throne. This music is worthy for its ancestor.

Great Giana Sisters, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Uptempo Utopia" (by Zube, 11 May 2005) [9/10]
A lot of game music is pabulum, listened to once and then quickly forgotten.

This one isn't. I've been humming these tunes for days now. Most are uptempo and very memorable.

Highly recommended.

Shadow Man: Game rip
"Amazing compilation" (by Sito, 11 May 2005) [9/10]
The music, contained and so wonderfully portrayed in the game shadow man. which is here before you. has such a great detail to ambience I have heard no where else. such things such as drill sounds in the "playrooms" to the sound of screams..and laughing children. its true sense of horror will surely take hold of even the most confident of men. The Shadow man OST adds an atmosphere such as that in the game...and brings back the memories of trotting the blood filled pools of dead side. I can insure this music's quality and recommend it to everyone. ..it is all just simply grand.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: Original soundtrack
"Echoes In My Head" (by Darth Nefelim, 8 May 2005) [5/10]
I was listening this soundtrack during I was working at my village. I can't say, this music boosts good work. :) There are so much tributes from previous games of this series, nice ambients and easy cognative style. But there are to many tributes, to many ambients and to many cognates. It seems, only fans will estimate this soundtrack is it should be really estimated.

Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession: Game rip
"really nice" (by iris, 7 May 2005) [7/10]
Some sequences are really wonderful, some are quite nice for panoramatic music, but not very enjoyable for listening only.

Tie Fighter: Game rip
"Tie-Fighter Original Soundtrack" (by ***MI TROOPER***, 6 May 2005) [10/10]
This is one of the best Star Wars based music ever, no doubt about it!

I can remember when I played Tie-Fighter for the 1st time back in 1994 and I was amazed by the terrific arrangements by Clint Bajakian, Michael Land and Peter McConnell.
It really works on an emotional level and the music truly captures the spirit of fighting for the Empire with al the various militaristic themes.

My most favorite theme is when the battle is going well for the Empire.
You can hear it start with the subtle use of Emperor's theme that finally explodes with the full rendition of the theme.
When this happened you really felt that you were fighting for a grand cause!

It's so sad that I can't play this game anymore on today’s pc computers.
Lucasarts did release a Collectors Edition of Tie-Fighter a few years ago.
But they completely left out the midi based music in favor of John Williams’s original soundtrack that looped continuously and basically added little to the whole feel and purpose of the game, which was fighting for the emperor!!!

My biggest wish is to hear a live orchestra playing the themes of Tie-Fighter!
The London Symphony orchestra would be the obvious choice to do this.
Sadly this will probably never happen.

Unreal (Epic Megagames): Game rip
"Well Done !!, Brandon" (by RipClaw, 4 May 2005) [10/10]
Great Music!! Particularly the track "Shared Dig" echoes in my mind when I am on lonely adventures :-)
Kudos & My Respect !!

Warcraft 3: Original soundtrack
"Made by Blizzard" (by Darth Nefelim, 3 May 2005) [6/10]
The music from Blizzard is so unique, that it can be easily recognized even with closed eyes. This soundtrack contains only several tunes from the whole game, but it also contains all music themes from Blizzard's sweet cinematic cuts. It's a honey-like bait for Warcraft "bee" fans.
You won't find any extraordinal in this soundtrack. Just a professional but enough atmospheric sound line. Made by Blizzard - that's irrefragable answer.

Wild ARMs: Original soundtrack
"Double-sided" (by Darth Nefelim, 3 May 2005) [6/10]
A soundtrack of typical "western" story in natural japan setting. 36 tracks of several romancing themes in different arrangement - from orchestral classic to typical american banjo variations. The whole soundtrack is well balanced and really nice to make you relax after long and hard day. But it's not enough charming...

Mega Man 7 Original Sound Version (MIDI)
"awesome midi music mega man 7" (by mt32, 3 May 2005) [10/10]
the midi music blowed both door's off my mt-32 sound module
awesome their i s oh so much midi music on this web site
awesome web site spent most of the day listening and downloading midi files
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
and so music is in the ears of the listener
i have not found any bad music on these files
so i am giving this review a 10+
and also i am giving this web site a 10+
thanks for letting feast my ears to enjoyment of these midi files

Realmz: Game rip
"Amazingly Awsome" (by Thimbly, 2 May 2005) [10/10]
This is a great soundtrack, but it's incomplete. It should include the Outdoor music and perhaps a seperate Cave music file.

Monkey Island 2: Game rip
"This is surely a game rip" (by Cloud_Strife, 2 May 2005) [9/10]
Its an awsome music collection right here. there is just one little bad thing about it.
When you start the song there will be a break of about 2 or 3 sec´s were there will be no music and then it will start. thats a way to long break. other then that... NICE

Secret Of Monkey Island, The: Game rip
"The other guy is right" (by Cloud_Strife, 2 May 2005) [6/10]
This midi is totely wrong when it comes to the intro song, it sounds like some person who dosnt have any idea what rythm is trying to play a song he heard a guy sing for himself 3 years ago. really really plain awfull... the other songs though are ok and surely worth a download

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"Freakin Awesome" (by ivionday, 2 May 2005) [10/10]
Epic Megagames: the last bastion of GREAT MUSIC in video games. Jazz Jackrabbit, One Must Fall, Unreal, Tyrian, ring a bell?!!! I hope these guys stick around! UT2004 was not as good as this GEM . F**ing awesome. Thank you.

Final Fantasy X-2: Original soundtrack
"Why FF X-2" (by Jose-Cruise, 1 May 2005) [9/10]
Why FF X-2?Because it is good to be heard.Uematsu has done a very good job for this game music.Hail to Uematsu

Final Fantasy X-2 - Piano Collections
"Song of an Angel" (by Jose-Cruise, 1 May 2005) [9/10]
Man,you know FF X-2 music is the best for me.Hearing Yuna singing make me feel peace.You must download it or you will regret it

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