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Showing reviews 1481-1500 from 3001:

Acid Tetris: Game rip
"Surprisingly Cool!" (by Razorback, 13 Sep 2005) [7/10]
Some nice ambient tunes in an almost 80s style of synthisised music. (Which I happen to love) May not be to everyones taste, but I enjoyed it.

Gainforce: Game rip
"Dude, Sweet! Dude..." (by jam, 11 Sep 2005) [8/10]
I say Wicked!!!
3 mods here very cool brought me back on the pulse again.

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"World class music" (by hek1, 9 Sep 2005) [10/10]
As many other people says, (most) of the UT music is ultra super duper awsome! :) I Played alot of Unreal Tournament years ago, and it was an classic what secured this game's success was on a big part this incredible rocking good (fitting) soundtrack. Foregone Destruction evokes sweet memories from the map CTF-Face, as well as the other tunes has their stories from other parts of the game.. Love and respect goes to the Composers for writing this stuff!


"Foregone Destruction"
"Go Down"
"mechanism eight"
"Nether Animal"
"Save Me"
"Skyward Fire"
"Unreal Tournament Menu"

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"UT music rocks!!!!!!!" (by Andy, 8 Sep 2005) [10/10]
UT rocks not to mention the soundtrack. My personal fav is the music from the death match Stalawart.

Great Giana Sisters, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Nice!" (by Sandro, 7 Sep 2005) [10/10]
I will never forget this songs !
Chris Hüllsbeck I thank you for this great music!

Shadow of the Beast 2: Game rip
"WHat an ending" (by Mister_C, 6 Sep 2005) [9/10]
Until today, I forgot about this game over tune. There is nothing like this at all! Simply amazing!

Super Stardust: Game rip
"Still is amazing" (by Mister_C, 6 Sep 2005) [9/10]
AT the time of this titles release...what on the pc came close to these sounds? Nothing at all!

Alien Breed 2: Game rip
"amazing" (by Mister_C, 6 Sep 2005) [9/10]
It was tunes like this that utilized the Paula chip properly and made them so memorable...still sounds just great!

Shadow of the Beast: Game rip
"Still is simply amazing...." (by Mister_C, 6 Sep 2005) [10/10]
I just stumbled onto this site while looking up old music from titles I once owned. I didn't know that sites like this existed until today...I am going to start teaching a video game making course and have been studying the old sound effects, etc...and found this track that is still just astounding. When I originally bought this title in the late 80s, I would boot the game just to hear the main title theme through my speakers...thanks for the memories!

Iron Seed: Game rip
"right-on." (by jam, 1 Sep 2005) [8/10]
great set of tunes here,
this site is prolific.

Torvak the Warrior: Game rip
"Yes! ____." (by jam, 1 Sep 2005) [8/10]
Two tracks here only realy the first one that I listened to (over and over) realy up-beat, not to sure how it would match with the game but with a track that good...

Starcraft & Brood War Original Soundtrack
"Musics" (by Conny, 31 Aug 2005) [10/10]
Yes wel this site rock. I really love it. Now i can see other mambers

Snavely: Game rip
"Yeah!" (by jam, 31 Aug 2005) [5/10]
Prehaps everthings sounding cool right now but
love the 'cystal_' sound!

Harlequinn: Game rip
"Great Compostions by Leitch" (by jam, 31 Aug 2005) [6/10]
Realy a nice set of tunes.
(all we need now is another remix of 'Unreal tourment')

Fears: Game rip
"GAim Over MAN GAme oVer!\" (by jam, 31 Aug 2005) [8/10]
20 words huh.
game over tune is real nice, good to hum along to.

Oxide: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Yes_another great tune" (by jam, 31 Aug 2005) [6/10]
Prehaps everthings sounding good right now but
this is awsome check it out.
Great web_site.

Liberator: Game rip
"Sweet Tune" (by jam, 31 Aug 2005) [7/10]
I love this web site.

Jazz Jackrabbit: Game rip
"Better than a promise..." (by Don, 31 Aug 2005) [9/10]
I remember when the folks at Epic swore they were coming up with a jukebox player that would allow you to play all the song files from Jazz Jackrabbit. Well, too late. These are excellent song files!!!

Epic Pinball: Game rip
"Android Pinball Song" (by Jagossel, 30 Aug 2005) [10/10]
Excellent rip! After reading posts about the Andriod table, I think I have original Andriod song from the Shareware versoin that I had years ago. If anyone wants it, let me know. Also, I have the shareware credit songs, called "SONG00."

Extreme Pinball: Game rip
"Clear MODs from Extreme Pinball..." (by Jagossel, 30 Aug 2005) [10/10]
Sounds pretty good. However, other songs can not be done using a convertor. I tried to get these songs myself, but I think the game controls the order. I opened the PSM files using ModPlug Tracker and discovered that they have no order.

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