Privateer, The: Game rip
Game info
Name: Privateer, The
Alternate name: The Privateer: Age of Sail II; Age of Sail II (Europe); Privateer, The: Age of Sail II; Wing Commander: Privateer
Characteristics: Action, Simulation, 3-d, 1st-Person Perspective, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Arcade, Shooter, Managerial / Trade, like Elite, Wing Commander
Publishers: Electronic Arts, Talonsoft, Origin
Developers: Akella, Origin
Original/port composers: Laura Barrett (Dos), Marc Schaefgen (Dos), Nenad Vugrinec (Dos)
PC Dos (1993) - Europe
PC Windows (02 Feb 2001) - Europe
Music info
Released: 1993
Related Plaform: PC Dos
Format: Sequenced music (MID)

Composers of these tunes: Laura Barrett, Marc Schaefgen, Nenad Vugrinec
Source / Archiver / Ripper: Mirsoft
Music type: Game rip 
Archived process: Archived completely
Num of tunes: 50
Size of archive: 276 KBytes
User reviews
- "Mucke" (by H76, 5 Nov 2007) [8/10]
it´s one of the most exciting soundtracks
- "Its Nenad Vugrinec the conductor of this Soundtrack? ;)" (by Verbatim, 9 Oct 2018) [10/10]
I didn't play the game, but i have ripped several songs from the game directory of the Game in XMI on my 4'86'er DX II an played it via "xmiplay.exe, today its feel that Nenad Vugrinec is one of the composer, maybe the conductor of the soundtrack
I very awesome quality of midisequenced horror cuts & moods, i love it. ;)
This Soundtrack i will mix with my Sw1000XG and my Motif XF, both synth's complement each other
See Ultima 8 Soundtrack also for awesome performance and quality from Nenad Vugrinec.
The Privater Soundtrack provides some funky (Track14), sentimental / melancholic (Track15, 21, 007)(and dramatic songs
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Music download
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Other tools
Generate info.txt - with this cool feature you can generate the info.txt file with all tune information and save it somewhere, which means you'll have something like "tune ID card"! :) This has cool advantages - it's small, fastly readable/editable, you can add it to the tune archive if you want and you will have everytime fast information about the game and music archive. Also programs which support reading from txt files (such as KBMedia Player) can read the info.txt file directly while playing tunes of all formats!
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