Mirsoft.info - World of Game Music and Games
Mirsoft.info - World of Game Music

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Last updated: 4.October, 2024.
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Download game music from Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition: Arranged/Remixed tunes

For more info about the music record, click here to return back to music info page.



Thanks to Archivalcopy, you don't need to download archives one by one if you want to get multiple files. You can use this Torrent link to download all tunes at once (as of July 2021):


Tested with qBittorrent application, add (paste) the link above in the app. And if someone else seeds that, your download will start. Note, I cannot provide any more info about the torrent beyond this.


I hope you like this archive, I spent really lot of time getting it to the state it is now. However, I need still a bit help from *you*, to improve the archive. Please read this, you'll see you CAN help:

Write comments to the music you downloaded

Write something (few words or sentences will be just enough!) about the music you downloaded - rate it and tell the others if you like it or hate it. This is something you really should do and it does not need to be long - just write your ranking and some comments, that's all. :) You can write review for this music here or you can choose any other music record from this list and review it.

Donate money

If you find this site valuable for your money, you can easily donate via PayPal. Just click on this button:

Any amount is okay and please do it only if it will make you happy you will help good thing and if you won't miss the cash. I must emphasize I'm not doing this website for money (otherwise it would be very bad business :) ), but of course any donation will make me more happy keeping the site alive and updated (who wouldn't be happy getting money? :) ). Oh and btw., maybe you recognized I'm running almost no ads on the site :)

Send me the tunes you don't see in the archives

If you have any MIDI or MOD game tunes, which you didn't find in the archives, upload them to mirsoft.info . Others would sure be happy with the tunes, as you are. But please, read carefully Contribution info for the mods or Contribution info for the mids before sending.