DaVince informationNick: DaVinceHomepage: DaVince.tengudev.com DaVince says:Module music creator, of both original songs and remakes of good songs from good games. DaVince's reviews:
"Pretty good -- Too bad there aren't many" (by DaVince, 8 Nov 2006) [7/10] Mother a.k.a. Earthbound Zero is a great game with some great tunes. They are recreated and/or remixed in this pack. Too bad there are only three, because those are pretty good! Pokemon: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Sux. Too bad." (by DaVince, 3 Sep 2006) [3/10] Sorry, but this pretty much sucks. The instruments don't fit with the music at all, and the instrument quality often is bad. There are also timing problems. DaVince as source of these music records:These music records are available to you also thanks to DaVince. This means, if the tune is Digital Audio, DaVince probably supplied some information to the music record. In case of downloadable MOD/MID music files he probably supplied and/or ripped some or all tunes.