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Showing reviews 901-920 from 3001:

Unreal Mission Pack 1: Return to Na Pali: Game rip
"Even MORE Unreal!" (by Sheol, 1 Jan 2007) [10/10]
I have tears in my eyes.

I can\'t thank you folks enough for putting all my fave game music on one easy to download web-site.

My PC is hooked to a thousand watt pro NAD amp with Kef (front)and Paradigm (rear) speakers. This music was DESIGNED for that kind of power!

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"It's all been said but..." (by Sheol, 1 Jan 2007) [10/10]
When Olivier Lapicque first brought out the MODPLAYER in '98, I discovered it by accident, just cruising the web looking to see if somebody, ANYBODY had somehow ripped the music from UNREAL. I had to have it!
Olivier's little composition has significantly improved since those days but I still use Version 1.35 as I like the control features it offers (1.01 was novel but a good play for starters).
Anyway, UT has lots more of the in-your-face-kick-assedness the original began and assuredly belongs in the Game Soundtrack Hall Of Fame.
Thanks! To the Makers and Rippers!!!

Thomas the Tank Engine 2: Game rip
"Paul Tankard needs to get out more ...." (by Sheol, 1 Jan 2007) [8/10]
But is does pick up on its predessesor.
Good rip job too.

Thomas the Tank Engine: Game rip
"Fact is - my 2 year old LOVES it!" (by Sheol, 1 Jan 2007) [9/10]
To poster No. 1; Think all the tunes on this site are for YOU?
They are for all those who love music regardless of age. Live with it.

The tune is exactly what I had hoped it would be. thanks for ripping guys.

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"Game rip music" (by pinha, 28 Dec 2006) [10/10]
Unreal Tournament has a very interesting music, I love this kind of music, techno music, I think its really good,if you have the chance to hear this kind of music DO IT you´ll see that´s no bad and it´s interesting, soorry if I have write something wrong, it´s because I am Mexican, see ya every body and I want to thaks mirsoft for let me download the unreal music.



Unreal (Epic Megagames): Game rip
"Unreal MOD Soundtrack" (by node357, 12 Dec 2006) [9/10]
Totally perfect MOD execution that does total justice to the original Unreal game. You can't miss this!

Chocobo Racing: Original soundtrack
"i like music game" (by pop, 12 Dec 2006) [10/10]
i like because it is good

Growlanser 2: Original soundtrack
"buibi" (by Vayne, 12 Dec 2006) [8/10]
bimm iinlk lkjlm j;lkm; ;lkj;jk;jkp;jkp;jp;j;oj;jklhuit7uigjkbkuhgik

Duke Nukem 3D: Original soundtrack
"Groovy" (by waynelegend, 10 Dec 2006) [10/10]
Hail to the king, baby!

duke nukem rulez

ufcorse music too.... :)

Pinball Fantasies: Game rip
"One of my all-time favorites" (by SaxxonPike, 9 Dec 2006) [10/10]
Technically sound, too. I see in most parts where the game is expected to have sound effects, the music is limited to 3 channels. The 4th was probably used for sound effects.

I had the PC version of this and the music files were missing some of the parts this rip has. However the sample text remained intact.

Crusader: No Regret: Game rip
"awesome Music!" (by towarisch, 1 Dec 2006) [10/10]
it\'s really awesome, thanks for ripping, i loved this game, it\'s really good to hear the music again :) WOW!

Freedom Fighters: Original soundtrack
"freedom fighters" (by fatboy, 30 Nov 2006) [9/10]
its the sh%@$ !!,its cool game!

Zeewolf 2: Game rip
"Like Virus game" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10]
Tunes are typical wargame music. Not my favourity genre but maybe some gets something that

Yie Ar Kung Fu: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"I give 10 points" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [10/10]
I think that is worth of it

Xpedition: Game rip
"Hello everybody amiga gamemusic fans" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [9/10]
Download this. You don´t disappointment.I am near to end to downloading gamemusic in this site. I am starting to Letter A and now i am in letter X. Ofcourse i some times looking to updates in this site

Xenon 2: The Megablast: Game rip
"Shoot everything what moves" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10]
Mega shooting game many years ago. Music is little poor. Maybe some musicians can make remixes of this tunes. I think more channels, better sounds and little changes to melody we have great tune

Wizball: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Paint the world" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10]
My favourity song of that 5 tunes is wizball high score. Ah what nice and slowly tune. Not like tittle tune what is horrible listening

Wasted Dreams: Game rip
"Basic amiga music" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [6/10]
Sounds like old amiga game music and i hear more better even last part of 1980

Turrican: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Man in robotsuicide" (by Tepe, 29 Nov 2006) [7/10]
Great jump and shoot game with excellent music at least to amiga. I never played turrican in C64 so i don´t know how good it is that machine. Turrican C64 remixes sounds nice so originals is maybe too ok

Master of Magic, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Awesome" (by Jochen, 28 Nov 2006) [9/10]
Sounds better than the Original. The tune that has always been great sounds more dramatic here! Exciting!

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