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Showing reviews 261-280 from 3005:

Super Mario All-Stars: Game rip
"WOOAH! A MUST-HAVE for everyone!" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [10/10]
It couldn't get any better than this! ORIGINAL tunes directly RIPPED from the SNES game :)
(brings back some nice memories... BTW if you finished Super Mario The Lost Level's let me know :)

Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Hmm... could be better" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [5/10]
I expected something better... anyway

Secret of Mana: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"WOW! Great music from a monster RGP Game!" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [10/10]
I am surprised by these AWESOME and PERFECTLY performed remixes! Really great tunes, I even converted them to mp3 and play them on my iPod & iPhone :)
Watch out for these tunes:

  1. Prophecy

  2. Fear of the Heavens

  3. SD2: Scorpion Army Theme

  4. Mana Fortress (in all versions)

  5. Angel's Fear (in all versions)

  6. 4 in the morning (aka Thanatos' Theme)

King of Fighters Kyo, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Hmm... could be better" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [6/10]
The only song that is worth listening too is "KOFKyoYuri" which is Yuri's song (similar to the one of Art of Fighting 2)...

Final Fantasy 4: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"A must have for RPG nerds/geeks/gits/whatever!!!" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [10/10]
Here is a bunch of beautiful arranged tunes from this pack:

  • FF2: Airship and Airship

  • Baron's Theme(in all its versions)

  • The Battles Must go On

  • FF2: Boss Theme

  • FFIV: Boss Theme

  • Golbez's Theme

  • Victory theme in all its versions

  • Ring of Bombs (Metal Mix), ÜBERCOOL metal remix of the battle theme with bombs

Must have for every hardcore FF Fan. Nuff said!

Donkey Kong Country: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Fine tunes" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [4/10]
This pack has some great and a few crappy tunes from DKC... I really expected something better...

Contra: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Great tunes!" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [10/10]
Brings back great memories of OLD days team-play!

Let me quote the author (Jacob Kaufman) of the MEGAMIX:

you know damned well that the little japanese guys making contra listened to 80's metal. they had rocker! posters with big blond guys holding odd-shaped guitars, faced painted in various ways. and they made prog metal on the NES. the poor guys got slighted - BRILLIANT work was made insignificant in the public eye because it was "blips and bleeps." Only us hardcore nerds can see through the square waves and pick out the music.

Chrono Trigger: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"ÜberEXCELLENT soundpack!" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [10/10]
A great game, I always liked MAGUS's music theme and finally I've got it here, in 8 different versions!

Other great tunes that are in this pack:

  • Tyrano's Lair

  • CT Floating City

  • Enhasa: City of Dreams

  • Lavos: The Final Boss

  • The Black Omen (all the 6 versions are awesome)

Majestic performances, sometimes the arranged/remixed themes even surpasses the originals :)

Might give it a 1000/10 if I could!

Lufia 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"AWESOME collection!" (by JaadWoro, 9 Sep 2010) [10/10]
I highly recommend this file because it includes the "Sinistral Battle theme" in 3 different versions! Also the "Prelude" & "Seaport" are very well performed too!

This is a MUST-HAVE for Lufia 2 fans, don't miss this baby ;-) !!

HyperBlade: Game rip
"Appreciative Techno" (by Oddbrother, 2 Sep 2010) [9/10]
I remember whistling and humming some of these tunes as I was enjoying the game in its long lasting memory.

It was good to hear some arcade style sports games having more powerful-sounding electronica, and hearing the music directly from a CD instead of using digital keystrokes and MIDI samples made a real good and easy way of taking the tunes anywhere.

Along with that, the use of cymbals and kicks in most of them have kept the pace going well during gameplay. Although they're the main essences of techno, they can get very repetitive.

WEC Le Mans: Game rip
"Proba" (by Andrew, 21 Aug 2010) [8/10]
cool music very nostalgie many years ago

BreakQuest: Game rip
"BreakQuest musics" (by LBU, 14 Aug 2010) [10/10]
Those tunes are the best I ever heard in a little game like this one. They are so greate that I started to record them one at a time from the original game and convert them into mp3 files so I and my kids can listen to them :)
very talented composers.

I am glad that those music are available to download. thank you, that will save me some time.

RuneScape: Game rip
"RS Music" (by itapa, 7 Aug 2010) [10/10]
That's awesome. I have an archive of .mid music which contains 416 in-game music and 228 effects.

You have 415 pieces of in-game music and 228 Effects.

looks like you're missing something.

PM me if you want more info ;)

Full Tilt! Pinball: Game rip
"Full Tilt! 2 and Sorry!?" (by Caleb, 1 Aug 2010) [10/10]
That is neat to see the music from Full Tilt! Pinball available for download. Perhaps the person or people that did that could consider making one of those for Full Tilt! 2. I see some music, but I am not sure if that is all of it. I am guessing not, but I could be wrong.

As for Sorry! (by Hasbro Interactive) (Windows CD), I have been trying to find downloads for the music and sound effects from that game for a while now. Midis of the music and wav files for the pawns' voices would be an awesome thing to see.

Unreal Mission Pack 1: Return to Na Pali: Game rip
"An amazing game with a universal soundtrack!" (by Truthmoon, 25 Jul 2010) [10/10]
I played Unreal Na Pali back when I was 7, and 10 years later I just had to get the soundtrack. The music definitely made the game; this is something even games today have trouble performing.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Game rip
"Jazz Jackrabbit forever!" (by Duke, 3 Jul 2010) [10/10]
This game may have the best soundtrack ever! It may sound a bit tinny (because of the MOD-based sound), but it's catchy in every way.

Dark Vengeance: Game rip
"Great soundtrack!" (by Lamente, 27 Jun 2010) [9/10]
Loved this game and especially the music. Brings back a lot of memories :) However there are a number of files on here that were never in the soundtrack, They may be by Alexander Brandon by they were certainly not all part of the in game soundtrack.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Game rip
"Good for me" (by purepwnage, 12 Jun 2010) [8/10]
There are a few songs incorrects.

7th Guest, The: Game rip
"Great Game, Great music" (by LAURA, 9 Jun 2010) [10/10]
Brings back the fun memories.

Traffic Department 2192: Game rip
"Why the rip sounds wierd" (by jwaffe, 13 May 2010) [7/10]
The music IS good, but the midis don't sound like the game music because of the wavetable.

The game didn't have midi music, it was a different format.

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