Game music reviews from users
Add your review Showing reviews 2481-2500 from 3002: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Zzzzzzzzzzz..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [4/10] You can guess what I'm going to say now. Boooring. Good title, but just stick to playing it & not producing bad music for it. 4/10 - I hated putting that score on this title! Lemmings 3D: Game rip "More good things to say..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [10/10] Just finishing off this music for the day. Its amazing how realistic this sounds, compared to some OTHER pieces. Still 10/10 :). Lemmings 3D: Game rip "Easy listening...." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [10/10] I could listen to this all day, which I think I will. This is great music, especially for little kids. 10/10!:). Luigi's Mansion: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Slow aren't we..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [3/10] Yes, Luigi's Mansion is supposed to sound just a touch faster than that(*cough2or3timescough*). Might be better if it sounded just a touch more realistic (The start sounds odd). More tracks needed. 3/10. Alien versus Predator (Activision): Arranged/Remixed tunes "Not another one..........." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [4/10] AlienS vs. PredatorS here people. You know, there is more than 1 Alien & 1 Predator. Bit messed up when we made this one, weren't we just? Doesn't sound like AvP! 4/10. Unreal Tournament: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Good enough..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [7/10] Two tracks aren't that good for business you know. Oh well, at least its a review. The music to Unreal Tournament isn't exactly classy, but who am I to judge it. Second track is fairly good though. 7/10. Age Of Empires: Game rip "Not true..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [8/10] Thats right! You heard me! Its not worth me suggesting that its great to listen to, but its better than some pieces of music that this site has to offer. A wide range too. 8/10 Return to Zork: Game rip "Weird..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [2/10] Odd.Strange.Wacko.Kooky. All words able to describe this 'music'. Not really worth much, maybe 2/10. Extreme-G: Arranged/Remixed tunes "Odd sound..." (by Ryana, 19 May 2004) [8/10] Sounds pretty old if you ask me. Still pretty good music, even though theres only 3 tracks. 8/10 Wing Commander Armada: Game rip "Pretty good" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [8/10] The majority of these are pretty good midis, however, there is the odd one which sounds dissimilar to the games version. I do recommend this, however. Wolfenstein 3d: Game rip "Very nice" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [7/10] Very nice music for a very nice game. In 1992, this game rocked the world before Doom arrived. I recommend a download of these, for nostalgia if nothing else. Duke Nukem 3D: Game rip "Very good quality midis" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [8/10] All MIDIs here are good quality, I'm quite impressed and I fully recommend these. Duke Nukem 2: Game rip "Fine, I guess." (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [6/10] Musics fine; just not enough of it! Get music from other levels, please! X-Wing: Game rip "Wrong!" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [1/10] You CAN'T put any form of Star Wars music into midis! Please don't do this! Doesn't sound right at all, and are not worth having! Road Rash (1992): Game rip "Not too great" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [4/10] These sound too unlike the original music. Can't give this too high, nor would I recommend it. Doom 2: Game rip "Pretty creepy" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [8/10] Doom 2 wasn't such as big hit as Doom 1, as Doom 3 won't be such a big hit as Doom 2. However, the music is EXCELLENT, and probably ranks higher in Doom 2 than the original Doom. It is more sinister; and contains more variety. Commander Keen: Game rip "Hilarious, as ever" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [7/10] The music is great, as usual, I prefer the embedded version than any Midi version out there; but still; they sound pretty good. I just wish there would be more songs included. Prince of Persia: Game rip "Sounded better in the game..." (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [6/10] I prefer how the music sounds in the actual game itself; rather than the Midis. The game itself is great; music is fine, not that there is much, but I prefer the embedded music rather than the midi version. Street Fighter 2: Game rip "Eugh!" (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [5/10] I don't feel that the music in SF2 did justice to the game at all. I don't recommend this, but I don't NOT recommend it. Its completely your choice depending on your taste. Dizzy 4: Magicland Dizzy: Game rip "Suits Dizzy well..." (by quackbal, 16 May 2004) [9/10] Definitely suits Dizzy, great jolly piece of music for a jolly character. Sounds a lot better in MOD format, too.