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Showing reviews 1961-1980 from 3001:

Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"The seven classes" (by Warcow, 4 Oct 2004) [5/10]
Some tunes sounds pretty much like the same song but there are some goodies in here that makes it listenable, especially the title theme song that's a real classic, just too short though.

Claw: Game rip
"Kapitan Pazur" (by Warcow, 4 Oct 2004) [7/10]
This one is probably most enjoyable if you're into old pcgame music, like me, with some similarities to various old battle games. The most catchy and best tunes in my opinion are the Level 1 and Level 3 themes, with Level 1 being the same melody as the Credits song. Not the best compositions of these authors in my opinion but quite fun to listen to.

Jazz Jackrabbit: Game rip
"Jazz Jack Rabbit" (by zeke, 3 Oct 2004) [10/10]
This Music is the rockiest music out of any game I played its better then the music of todays games so I give it a 10/10

Deus Ex: Game rip
"Stunning music" (by El Geeko, 3 Oct 2004) [10/10]
Very good and dedicated rip. The theme has inspired me to re-play the game again! Although, I can't help think that the main theme would be AWESOME in a feature-length movie.

Death Rally: Game rip
"Death Rally Music" (by frosty, 2 Oct 2004) [9/10]
Very good music :-)))
Congratulations to the author.

Crusader: No Regret: Game rip
"No Regret whatsoever!" (by Dr. Spa, 2 Oct 2004) [10/10]
If you dig amiga-style tunes, this is thing for you! I downloaded it after seeing how positive the reviews were for this. Anyway, if you're not much of an amiga fan this is still pretty much worth getting. The "XMAS.MOD" is one of the best amiga songs I've ever heard! It starts like a christmas song with lots of bells - but after about 20 seconds you get a really nice distortion guitar and a snare and well it gets really intense (unlike most amiga tunes). Anyway, In conclusion - best amiga songs ever!

Chrono Cross: Original soundtrack
""Unexpected Surprises"" (by Darth Nefelim, 1 Oct 2004) [8/10]
Saying you truly, I was not expecting much from this soundtrack. It's start rate was between 6,0 and 7,0. "But then things changed..." :) A beautiful artistic work by Yasunori Mitsuda makes me to respect him more. And *this* makes me to forget all sadness, regrets and severity of the reality - I'm sinking in virtual world of kindness, fairness and sincerity. I'm going deeper and deeper with pleasure.

Star Control 2: Game rip
"Simply Amazing" (by sillywizard, 1 Oct 2004) [10/10]
i loved this game so much... it has the best music that i ever hear for a game by far...

Xenogears: Original soundtrack
""Ou mettre du reve"" (by Darth Nefelim, 30 Sep 2004) [7/10]
Generally Yasunori Mitsuda is a very good composer. His music is really attractive and charming. This soundtrack is not an exception - quite well arranged, interesting themes and good variety of music. The second disc is better that the first one, I think, but you won't be disappointed by spending such a little money for such a cool music. I was expecting more...

Shadow of the Beast: Game rip
"Classic." (by djgames, 29 Sep 2004) [8/10]
Great music, though the game itself wasn't really that amazing.

Epic Pinball: Game rip
"Awesome!" (by djgames, 29 Sep 2004) [10/10]
This must be one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard! Of course, it was a lot cooler hearing it when playing (Epic Pinball sure is the best pinball game of all time!)... I remember turning up the bass on my speakers when I played this. Relives a lot of memories... A definate 10/10!

AlShark: Original soundtrack
"CD with 1 great track and lots of boring fillings :(" (by YaroslaF, 28 Sep 2004) [3/10]
One of the "action" soundtracks, but you can find some slow tracks there. I think if this CD was shorter it would get better rating from me. I have 4 favourite track from this album (1,6,8,10) and rest is insipid.

The best track is #8, I recommend it!

Sorry for rating, but I can't give this album more for 4 good tracks.

Grand Theft Auto 3: Game rip
"Not "real" game music, but nice and FUNNY!" (by YaroslaF, 28 Sep 2004) [5/10]
The music is divided by radio channels. I think every person can find favourite channel. I like Flashback, because 80's are my best:) The tracks are not orchestral ones, all of them are songs which come under one of many styles.

But the best track is not musical one but spoken one. Chatterbox rules:) It is about 1 hour of amazing and funny radio talkshow.

I can't seriously rate this music because it is not usual "game music", so sorry for the rating...

Colonization: Game rip
"Great traditional music" (by YaroslaF, 28 Sep 2004) [8/10]
I have bought Colonization game CD few years ago, because there were audio tracks on the CD :)
I love this game and I think the selected traditional music in this game is excellent. Playing Colonization with music brings new experiences. And Colonization music is the one which I can listen to without the game.
The best track is The fountain of youth, I love it...

This CD is not well known, but it contains great pieces of traditional music. You have to listen them!

Grandia 2: Melodia
"Poor soundtrack :(" (by YaroslaF, 28 Sep 2004) [2/10]
I really like Noriyuki Iwadare, but unfortunately this CD is not valuable enough. I don't like this soundtrack. Maybe the tracks are not in my favourite style. Nvertheless, I found some good track here. Track 03 (Digital Museum) lasts just 20 seconds and contains Grandia theme. And the last track (07 - Miken) is the best one of whole the album. I wonder if it is just coincidence that this track sounds like one of the Moulin Rouge OST songs... Who knows.

Anyway, this CD really is not the "must have" one :(

Amegas: Game rip
"The birth of MOD" (by Devin A., 27 Sep 2004) [7/10]
This was the first MOD tune ever created and gave way to a whole new world of digital tunes.

The tune itself is simple and catchy, and was great for its time. However, after a while it starts to get repetitive.

Duke Nukem 2: Game rip
"Sweeet..." (by Sang, 26 Sep 2004) [9/10]
*Mmmmm...Duke 2 midis *garglll**

I want more! I want more! ;)

Duke Nukem 3D: Game rip
"Uhh..." (by animoL, 26 Sep 2004) [10/10]
Yeah, since it is a game rip the quality must be high unless our mid sequencers are different from the ones we had when we played duke3d the first time. d;

Descent 2: Game rip
"Nice Soundtracks!" (by Sang, 25 Sep 2004) [8/10]
Great tunes, though there aren't enough of them :( 04 - Game02.mid is the best IMO :)

Settlers, The: Game rip
"In-game music" (by wanderer, 25 Sep 2004) [10/10]
This is one of the best Amiga tunes. I hope Dr.Spa wasn't listening to the 'buggy' slowed down version, that's definitively slow!

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