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1. Dr. Spa (265 reviews)
2. Warcow (250 reviews)
3. Tepe (127 reviews)
4. Darth Nefelim (88 reviews)
5. aLoner (51 reviews)
6. Anorak99 (42 reviews)
7. deepblue (40 reviews)
8. sds (36 reviews)
9. Neo (36 reviews)
10. Pyramid Head (35 reviews)

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Showing reviews 1901-1920 from 3001:

Cannon Fodder: Game rip
"Great!" (by djgames, 24 Oct 2004) [10/10]
This song used to rock on my Amiga! 10/10!

Doom 2: Game rip
"good music" (by tyron, 24 Oct 2004) [8/10]
i reckon the music is sweet and really suites the game

Witchaven: Game rip
"Mystic and atmospheric" (by brabus, 24 Oct 2004) [8/10]
First of all, do not try to listen to this midi soundtrack using your sound card synthesizer. Use software renderer like timidity. Otherwise you will hear only strange noise.
This beautiful music created the immersive atmosphere of Witchaven game.
But of course, the soundtrack is recommended not only for the game fans!

Crusader: No Regret: Game rip
"Great job out there" (by 12, 22 Oct 2004) [10/10]
i want to thank the man who posted those songs here. I have been searching for this for over 5 years and finally i have found it. these songs are great, sadly olmost nobody knows this music.

many thanks!

Agony: Game rip
"What He Said" (by NoDawnForMan, 22 Oct 2004) [8/10]
Raistlin hit it right on the gully dwarf's nose! I hated this game, spending more time looking at that burning tree start screen than I did playing the actual game. It's getting on a bit now but it still pulls them cords. A true leg-end of computer compositions :)

Deus Ex: Zodiac: Original soundtrack
"Lots of electronic..." (by Pyramid Head, 21 Oct 2004) [8/10]
That's not the music in Brandon-style. Almost all samples have made by Foxon.
What I can say about this soundtrack? If you are great fan of electronic and ambient music, you will love this one. There's no one tune without electronic beats. Sometimes, Foxon mixed orchestral sounds with electronic, and efect is good. The ambient tunes are great musical background for Paul's new adventures. Combat and conversation pieces are in the same style as respective ambient pieces. So if you liked music from this (Great!) modification, go to Steve Foxon site and download it.

OFFTOP: If you are DEUS EX fan, I STRONGLY recommend you, to download this modification from:
/-\/-\ www.planetdeusex.com/zodiac /-\/-\

One Must Fall 2097: Game rip
"Great" (by Delance, 21 Oct 2004) [9/10]
Classic game soundtrack, very worth the download. Few games can claim this quality on their music.

Beyond Divinity: Game rip
"MASTERPIECE" (by Pyramid Head, 19 Oct 2004) [10/10]
When I writing these words, I'm listening this miraclous soundtrack. Every tune have great melodies, ideas, and... Something, that make you to listen this tune again, again and again...
Many tunes starts modest, but after a couple of seconds turns into beautiful orchestral fantasy piece. This music is good to illustrate an epic Hollywood LOTR-Like fantasy movie.
OK. Last word... If you have a fast connection speed and you like fantasy soundtracks with lots of orchestra, choirs and eerie mystical beats DOWNLOAD THIS GAME RIP FROM GRAWL'S GAMERIPS SITE!!! You can't miss this superb, and veeeeeery long (Almost 5 hours of listening) masterpiece. Big cheers to Kiril Pokrovsky!!!

Warcraft 2: Game rip
"Zug-zug!" (by Constantine, 19 Oct 2004) [10/10]
A must-have.

IMO, it's the best Blizzard soundtrack of all (including War3 and Diablo 2)

Warcraft: Game rip
"Something to feed a nostalgia" (by Constantine, 19 Oct 2004) [9/10]
Simply amasing. [Although many people dont like it]

Take a look at Orc1, Human2 and OrcLose tracks, they are for sure the best of all.

Final Fantasy 10: Original soundtrack
"Liberi Fatali" (by Darth Nefelim, 18 Oct 2004) [6/10]
An epicaly huge game, an epicaly large soundtrack (4 CDs!). I won't conceal my favours - I like the music written by Nobuo Uematsu. But it seems to be very hard for him to compose so much music at once. And here the co-composers introduced! But will I like music written by'em? That's a moot point.
All tracks, written by Nobuo for this soundtrack, are really great. Wonderful! Just try "Suteki da ne", the main theme of the whole OST (both versions). The other music is extremely variable - from positive feelings downto track skip. May be they should try to perfect their skill first. And I just can't set the whole rate... Compound feelings, really.

Divine Divinity: Original soundtrack
"Great OST" (by WU, 18 Oct 2004) [10/10]
Divine Divinity got really really great music. you must hear it.

Mildew: Game rip
"1111th review" (by Warcow, 18 Oct 2004) [6/10]
Very techno/trance style of music with many cool samples and the medlodies are pretty okey, it's not perfect overall though. The Milano's theme is the best track in here which I can recommend. Oh, and "thx" go out to the one who removed one of his reviews so this wasn't 1111th review anymore :x

Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes" (by BTC, 18 Oct 2004) [8/10]
The Ice cap re-mixes alone make this worth getting. Any fan of Sonic would be glad to have this one!

Deus Ex: Game rip
"Outstanding!!!" (by exo, 17 Oct 2004) [10/10]
I've been searching for this music for AGEs....and now -Finally- I can listen to the BEST music of the BEST game I've ever played. Thanx a lot.

Bubble Bobble: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Counter" (by Exsea, 16 Oct 2004) [5/10]
what type of comment are you giving out? you haven\'t even downloaded the mods let alone listen to them. what are you talking about? sucky theme? it s based on the game. if you want themed mods this is not the place, all the mods here are from games. if you don\'t like a theme you shouldn\'t simply give a comment which is totally your own.

Realmz: Game rip
"Capital of Llorien" (by Warcow, 15 Oct 2004) [8/10]
A not too famous game but it has a pretty descent soundtrack with lots of synths and even an extended cover of the title song from the old game Gauntlet.

Dojo Dan: Game rip
"Woolan" (by Warcow, 15 Oct 2004) [5/10]
The music started off good with the first two songs but then lost its motivation on the melodies, very asian inspired music.

Friday the 13th: Game rip
"Jason is waiting..." (by Warcow, 15 Oct 2004) [3/10]
Only three real songs in this one with scary, melancholic approaches with only one good song in my opinion which is track 5, the rest ain't much to listen to really.

F1 Race: Game rip
"Pole Position" (by Warcow, 15 Oct 2004) [3/10]
Well, I actually dig the melody here but it's too short and the sound isn't completely satisfying either, it could be improved.

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