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Showing reviews 1881-1900 from 3001:

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"And this is why!" (by Mortar, 10 Nov 2004) [10/10]
IMO Unreal Tournament 200X never will compare to it's predecessor.

Chrono Trigger: Game rip
"Genuine Genius" (by Xtense, 9 Nov 2004) [10/10]
This one goes without saying. Yatsunori Mitsuda has made this game legendary with his music. It's so beautiful i start rocking in my chair in bliss. A shame that i've never had a SNES. And "Corridors of Time" just make me sit like a retard, showing my teeth to everyone.

Mega Man X4: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Mega Man X4 - Jet Stingray Arranged Tunes - MIDIs" (by voltcatfish, 5 Nov 2004) [9/10]
Hi. It's voltcatfish again. This time around I will review the Mega Man X4 Jet Stingray Arranged Tunes MIDIs in the Mega Man X4 downloadable folder. I love this song, so let's see what we've got. Here we go:

Mega_Man_X4_-_Jet_Stingray - Beautiful! It sounds just like the one in the game! Nicely done - not a single complaint here!
voltcatfish's rating: A+

stingray - this one sounds just like the one in the game as well, except for some small differences, but it is a keeper nonetheless!
voltcatfish's rating: A+

STINGRAY(2) - This one has a bit of a heavy feel to it, but it's not done very well. It sounds nothing like the one in the game. The notes are wrong in many spots, it is thus the worst of the bunch. It doesn't even go all the way through the song! That may not be a bad thing, though because it's pretty bad, so I have to thank God that it is really short! Download the folder, but skip this track!
voltcatfish's rating: D

Well, that's it, short and sweet. My overall rating is below.

voltcatfish's overall rating: B+

Gangland: Game rip
"Nice soundtrack, but..." (by Pyramid Head, 5 Nov 2004) [7/10]
Well, the tunes from this soundtrack can be sorted in three categories:

MENU TUNES: Theme, Preplay, Gameover, Challenge Theme
Main Theme have many cool ideas and melodies, but it's too long (7:12). In Gameover, my favourite tune from this rip you will hear lots of voices, gunshots, loud screams and many "sharp" beats. Challenge Theme is nice not-strong action tune.

CHALLENGE TUNES: Crickets, Brother Dies, Black Splash, China Splash, Columbian Splash, Italian Splash, Italian Splash Violin, Japanese Splash, Jewish Splash, Russian Splash, Wife Dies Splash
Short, but nice and little funky tunes. Except "Brother Dies" and "Wife Dies Splash". Those to are sad tunes.

CONQUEST TUNES: Battle, Italian Day, Italian Night, Poor Day, Poor Night, Docks Day, Docks Night, Vegas Day, Vegas Night
Almost all are nice, calm ambient tunes. The "Battle" is except - Very loud music with lots of mini-choirs.

OVERALL: For first-look it's a cool soundtrack, but after long time of listening, tunes starts to bore you. My favourite piece is a Gameover song.

Final Fantasy -The Black Mages
"Nobuo's Progressive Rock?" (by Bregeduur, 5 Nov 2004) [9/10]
Yes, in "The Black Mages", the Final Fantasy classical music composer Nobuo Uematsu tries to step on foreign land. And it works!
The band took over the fighting themes of some Final Fantasies to turn them into progressive rock/metal.

The band "The Black Mages" is composed of:
Tsuyoshi Sekito - Guitar
Michio Okamiya - Guitar
Nobuo Uematsu - Keyboard
Kenichiro Fukui - Keyboard
Keiji Kawamori - Bass
Arata Hanyuda - Drum
who really did a great job.

The best songs are
nr 1: Battle scene from FFI
nr 2: Clash on the Big Bridge from FFV (wonderful solis)
nr 3: Force your Way from FFVIII
nr 6: The Battle Theme from FFVI
nr 8: Those who fight further from FFVII (the best boss theme ever in a RPG)
and nr 9: Dancing Mad from FFVI (wonderful 12min song)

Finally I have been disappointed by the J-E-N-O-V-A Theme, song that is in the original one of the greatest FFsongs ever. Is sounds more to me like Techno than like Rock...

But to be short, one of the best albums and of the best ideas of Nobuo Uematsu.

Sincerely, your Bregeduur

Tyrian: Game rip
"Tyrian Music" (by jim, 4 Nov 2004) [9/10]
It was awsome!!!
I played the game for ages and when i got Windows XP it didn't work, how annoying. They were all exactually like the origionals, the only problems is that they don't work on my Nokia 3200, it doesn't recognise the format. But if it did work they might be too big and won't play anyway. But they are good like they are. The "Tyrian the level" music main notes are too loud or something and you can't hear the main tune. It might be my MID instrument though. Apart from that, well done!!!

Jimmy Jaymez

Final Fantasy 8: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"music" (by Spaceman, 31 Oct 2004) [9/10]
the legendary beast , succesor , time compression and my absolute all time ff8 favorites : lion , Silence and motion and The Extreme , are still echoing in my head , amazing , almost perfectly made
as if its the original soundtrack!

Lost Patrol, The: Game rip
"Lost Patrol" (by pawel, 30 Oct 2004) [10/10]
On of my faourite game of early 90's excellent soundrtack really fits into the game's atmosphere. Really really worth listenning. It's not onyl nostalgia it's really ok after 13 years still sounds interesting...

Adventures of Lolo 3, The: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Really isn't worth downloading!" (by Dr. Spa, 30 Oct 2004) [7/10]
Well, one thing I can tell you and I'm sure you will agree 10MB is alot for one song. Second thing is this isn't an amazing tune. The size might make you think that its something special - the only good thing is its extremely good quality! (Like the Age of Wonders music). It has a polka kind of melody and polka kind of instrements so it sounds rather dull and classical. Anyway I wont complain - many people like that sort of music so for classical lovers a 9/10 and for G-M lovers a 6/10. Thats an average of 7.5/10

>>>>>> 7.5/10 <<<<<<<<

Ghosts 'n' Goblins: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Slow and sulky" (by Dr. Spa, 30 Oct 2004) [5/10]
They're not bad it's just the melody is a bit dull and not very creative, it would make a good game over tune I think though. Like with most tunes if you played the game and you listen to the tunes over and over again, it'll sound much better.

Duke Nukem 2: Game rip
"Great Music" (by NewCreature, 30 Oct 2004) [9/10]
Awesome music from a great game! The rip doesn't contain all the songs, though. I found some more here:


MARCH!: Offworld Recon: Game rip
"Really crazy..." (by Pyramid Head, 29 Oct 2004) [7/10]
Really crazy techno-electronic-trance soundtrack. You don't find here a piece without electronic strong beats. So, if you don't like this kind of music, stay away of this! Some songs can be good for a techno party. My favourite piece is a Bagpipe March

Body Blows Galactic: Game rip
"great" (by chmelo, 29 Oct 2004) [10/10]
yeah, great site, I´ve been looking for the rip of this soundtrack for few month´s ...

Cannon Fodder: Game rip
"It's a Jungle out there" (by Warcow, 28 Oct 2004) [4/10]
Well, I feel like a renegade against the past reviewers here but I can't say that this song really catches me much eventhough it's quite funny to listen to with the singing and that it reminds me a bit of Manu chau/Italian disco music, which I enjoy. A happy tune with nice samples but I rather listen to the Recruits track from the spc rip.

In Pursuit of Greed: Game rip
"Ristanak" (by Warcow, 28 Oct 2004) [8/10]
This is according to me the "lost" Unreal/Crusaders... soundtrack and to those of you who like that kind of music should probably check this one out. The Dimension 2012 track is from either Unreal or UT but the rest is never heard compositions and they're good, especially the Probe song, a very ambient but still very melodic futuristic piece.
The only rip that I know of is in mp3 and can be found on gamingforce page, find Rimo.

Gotzendiener: Game rip
"Knight Yusha" (by Warcow, 28 Oct 2004) [7/10]
I admit that I'm not the biggest fan of Square music, except for some FF music, especially the FF6 game, but this game ost has some good music to offer. It's not only synths, it also has acustic guitar arrangements and it's also not only asian inspiration, it also brings along a very arabic/asian track with the Main Theme, a great track I must say. It doesn't reach the top in any way but it's worth listening to.

Dune: Game rip
"Muad 'Dib" (by Warcow, 28 Oct 2004) [8/10]
If you're new into the Dune 1 ost and I could guide you what ost rip you should listen to, then I would recommend this one which has the best sound overall (with exception for the Deep Desert track that's avaible in the Mod rip on this page). The music has an original sound and is a pleasure to listen to, the rip is on the other hand quite rare.

Road Rash (1992): Game rip
"Good Stuff." (by Belmakor, 28 Oct 2004) [9/10]
Don't know what that other guy is on about. This is an almost exact replica of the music from the game 'Road Rash' for the Amiga 1200. A recommended download!

Final Doom, TNT: Game rip
"Explosive" (by Warcow, 28 Oct 2004) [8/10]
A good way to describe this music is that it sounds like Doom and Rise of the Triad osts, with a couple of familiar Doom songs. My favourite is "The Da" (a short term for The Darkness?) which is one of my favourite midi songs ever, a very dark tune that I can listen to over and over again for eternity.

3D Ultra Pinball: Game rip
"I was blown away. Seriously, I have no idea where I am now." (by Joe, 26 Oct 2004) [9/10]
I was very surprised to find the music for this game, and, since I used to own it, I remember liking the music. But when I heard it, it blew my mind. These are quite possibly the best MIDIs I have ever heard.

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