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Showing reviews 1841-1860 from 3001:

Rome: Total War: Game rip
"Thanxxx" (by Digitalchaos, 15 Dec 2004) [10/10]
thx abunch for the list and instruction on where to find those tracks!!

You guys are awesome! :)

I love the music of this game!

Cannon Fodder: Game rip
"omfgofij98frjga9qr" (by prilly, 12 Dec 2004) [10/10]
its so cool. the dude above me saying its bad... shut up its like OLDSCHOOL. reminds me of my amiga days... oh how long ago they were... like erm when i still had a pink bedroom and games were on floppy disks. hm.

Doom: Game rip
"Doom Game Rip" (by coco, 11 Dec 2004) [10/10]
Wow all of the tracks in one little zip files!!! i dont have to serch form 50 different sites!!! cool!!!

Final Fantasy 7: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Final Fantasy 7 lives on" (by Excalibur, 10 Dec 2004) [10/10]
The music was very well done in Final Fantasy 7, and this captures the magic so you can play it at your leisure. If love Final Fantasy, this is a must have.

Uridium 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Familiar" (by 2001RealMillennium, 10 Dec 2004) [7/10]
Well I played Uridium and it sounds like the music didn't change for this sequel. One has to smile remembering that the designers were clever enough to play you music while the incredibly slow Commodore disk loaded. Quite a nice tune and pretty well adapted here.

Test Drive 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Nicely done" (by 2001RealMillennium, 9 Dec 2004) [8/10]
I never played Test Drive II as much as I did the original and the music as I recall was practically the same but these 2 files are well done and sound a good bit like the original.

Test Drive: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Classic" (by 2001RealMillennium, 9 Dec 2004) [8/10]
This game was a classic on the C=128. I spent a lot of time with this one and thus the tune. This mod is a fair adaptation of the original (aside from the "hey" thrown in for no good reason).

MULE (C64): Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Trip down memory lane" (by 2001RealMillennium, 9 Dec 2004) [6/10]
I played this game a few times on the C=128. The music was memorable although it sounded better in the game than the mod does. Still it is nice to hear it again without having to wait for one of those sloooow C=64 disks to load. :)

Grand Prix Circuit: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Made me smile" (by 2001RealMillennium, 9 Dec 2004) [7/10]
I played this game on both the C=128 (C=64 emulation mode) and the IBM-PC under MS-DOS. Again the music doesn't sound much like the original but the recognition factor still made me smile. A cute little tune which always sounded "right" for the subject matter. Peppy. :)

1942: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Nostalgic" (by 2001RealMillennium, 9 Dec 2004) [5/10]
Well I played 1942 on the C=128 (in C=64 emulation mode) and I recall the music was nice. Alas this .mod I downloaded doesn't sound much like the original. I can recognize the tune (which is short and repeats endlessly as is apropriate for a silly arcade game) but if memory serves me it sounded better on the C=128. I'll check someday, have to blow the dust off the old C=128.

Super Mario All-Stars: Game rip
"must have" (by Manwe, 8 Dec 2004) [10/10]
Great collection, must have for all game music lovers.

Daggerfall: Game rip
"Lots of moosic" (by animoL, 7 Dec 2004) [9/10]
I can't even remember all of them! But they are all nice. Too bad my game was with a bug, that when you became a werewolf, your health would'nt regenerate no matter what, or something like that, so death was the destiny. And I saved my game after being attacked by the werewolf, so... I didn't know I was one, and even that the game had this critical bug.
Still, the RPG atmosphere of the music is apparent, and tending to dark gothic, methinks.

Dune 2: Game rip
"Battle on Arrakis" (by animoL, 7 Dec 2004) [10/10]
The music is so good that even in Dune 2000 it was just improved but continued similar to the old mids.
Played a lot on my old 486. Got the game from a BBS, before knowing what internet was. Loved every moment of it.

Dune: Game rip
"Nuff said" (by animoL, 7 Dec 2004) [10/10]
Yeahp you gots it. It makes the game even better. It captures the essence of dune. I red one of the Dune books and became a life-long Dune fan.

Frontier: Elite 2: Game rip
"FFE = $$" (by animoL, 6 Dec 2004) [10/10]
This is the kind of music that combines with the game, and is tatooed in our minds, taking back past memories from space flight, and fight.

Shadow of the Beast: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Inspirational" (by jotamanfredo, 4 Dec 2004) [9/10]
Very inspirational music...

Betrayal At Krondor: Game rip
"Extremely well composed and fairly unique" (by zoast, 2 Dec 2004) [10/10]
Most of the songs are harmonically interesting to me, and many songs appear to even lack meter. (Gamina and Goraths Demise are two examples) Some songs such as the flying sow have a distinct renaissance/baroque feel to them, while others like armengar apply a more dissonant, modern approach. All the songs are well applied to the game.

My favorites would have to include the Fight to the Deaths, the Opening Theme, Silden, and the Temple Music. However, every track has merit.

Overall, some wonderful, small ensemble classical music.

Adrenalynn: Game rip
"update" (by lotek_style, 1 Dec 2004) [5/10]
correction: atroax = ARTOAX / Hydroxid
and the rip is not 100% there is 1 tune
missing. sorry for this. Update will come.

Beach Volley: Game rip
"Volley up!" (by 9, 1 Dec 2004) [7/10]
For some reason, it seem like volleball games tend to have better music than most sports games. I'm not sure why that is. Anyway, this game is no exception. Several of these tunes are quite nice and pretty catchy, too. The different idiosynchratic themes for each location are funny, too.

Amiga Columns: Game rip
"Nice samples.." (by 9, 1 Dec 2004) [5/10]
There are some darn cool samples in this game's soundtrack. I particularly dig the thumping "Bonham"-esque drums on song 1 and the techno babble in song 4.

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