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Showing reviews 101-120 from 3005:

Legend Of Kyrandia, The: Game rip
"Fantastic soundtrack, the best from Klepacki's older titles." (by Draze, 17 Apr 2016) [10/10]
Almost every song is worth listening over and over, great melodies. Easily my favourite Klepacki album.

Lands Of Lore: Game rip
"Pretty good, several great ones." (by Draze, 17 Apr 2016) [8/10]
Overall quite a good soundtrack, not every title is great, as expected for so many different tracks, but a few make it all worthwile, with 54 taking the cake.

Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail: Game rip
"Excellent Midi-Quality" (by 1mV, 14 Apr 2016) [10/10]
These Midis sounds like MP3-Quality.


Civilization: Game rip
"Info to corrupted tunes" (by Mirsoft, 26 Feb 2016) [7/10]
All the tunes can be played properly with WinAmp and its proper MT-32 midi input driver (see http://www.mirsoft.info/gamemids-help.php#mt32 ). Other midi players mostly don't have proper MT-32 driver. Munt has proper MT-32 emulation, but its midi player don't play the few mentioned tunes above (don't know why, maybe buggy Midi player in Munt).
Sorry for not pointing to the correct documentation sooner. :)

Legend of Heroes New: Game rip
"This is legend" (by delight, 25 Feb 2016) [10/10]
Sounds sooooooooooooooooo good

Civilization: Game rip
"Not very good, contains corrupted tracks!" (by Richard Roma, 23 Feb 2016) [3/10]
This package, contains 39 tracks. They all start a bit too late and few of them simply dont work and glitch all of my players including recommended Munt.

List of corrupted tracks:

Unreal (Epic Megagames): Game rip
"A Masterpiece" (by Kalapan, 15 Feb 2016) [10/10]
Unreal game was a masterpiece, so was its music. They will always be in my mind and heart. Thanks for this download! I have extracted the .umx files from the cd, but this download is very useful, as it permits us to play the music with many audio players. Thank you again!!

Pinball Dreams: Game rip
"Great upload; great soundtrack" (by bruce t, 31 Dec 2015) [10/10]
One of my all time favourite game soundtracks. High quality upload. Can't get over the fact that the whole soundtrack is 398 kb! Amazingly efficient file format.

Vantage Master OST: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"great" (by gosam001, 7 Oct 2015) [10/10]
I lovethis game... love 90s stuff...

Psycho Pinball: Game rip
"Great arcade-like music" (by Gashren, 2 Oct 2015) [10/10]
Really loved playing this game. I love the music.

Warcraft: Game rip
"Horrendous rip" (by Quinlan82, 22 Sep 2015) [1/10]
Nothing against this great soundtrack in general but this rip sounds really horrible. It's neither the GM/SC, nor the OPL version of the game.

1830 Railroads and Robber Barons: Game rip
"Good here, better in game." (by Dvd Avins, 18 Sep 2015) [9/10]
The music in the game is surprisingly catchy for MIDI files of 1994. The timbre of notes changes within the note. Each piece is played in the background in a loop, with game context eventually switching the background to another selection.

Most of the time, with MIDI of this era that doesn't stop playing, I get tired of it and switch of the sound eventually. Here, the orchestration (yes, well executed simulated instruments) is so well done and the beat is so good that it gets catchier the longer it goes on. That's more true for some of the modern pieces that play when high-level trains are out than for the earlier pieces, but none of them are bad.

The music played from here sounds somewhat different, which I've heard happen before in archives. More disappointing, I think some of the high-numbered files are truncated--they end in the middle of a phrase and not in a way that could loop back to the beginning. Still, it's nice to be able to play it while the game isn't running.

I don't know how to rate this. The music in the game deserves at least a 9. The archive is more a 6 or 7. I'll give it a 9, but beware.

Lemmings 2: Game rip
"One of the latest gems on Lemmings music" (by Retronostalgia, 10 Sep 2015) [8/10]
I don't think L2 Tribes ever surpased OG Lemmings tunes, but for me it was like "the next vision" in music department in my childhood.

Lotus 3: Game rip
"Great Themes" (by 607, 20 Jun 2015) [10/10]
I love these. All 6 themes are quite different, and they're all awesome. Some are really heavy and strong, some light and happy. They're all upbeat and really nice to listen to. I definitely recommend these, I'd even rate this 9.5/10, which rounds up to 10/10!

Lost Vikings, The: Game rip
"Great, Upbeat and Diverse" (by 607, 14 Jun 2015) [8/10]
All 5 level themes have a different theme, examples being Egyptian or Space Ship. They fit their theme well. They have a nice beat, and feel good. Quite usable in other games as well.

Grand Prix Circuit: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Grandwe" (by AdriangaAl, 10 Jun 2015) [10/10]
The music my favourite and to go

Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Game rip
"SUPERB" (by Arclite, 13 May 2015) [10/10]
Thanks for ripping this !!! :DD

Deus Ex: Game rip
"Great!" (by Beefy, 27 Apr 2015) [8/10]
Uploading success.
Icarus has seen you.

Turrican 2: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Not that bad!" (by Beefy, 27 Apr 2015) [6/10]
Pretty decent, it is just fine. Needs better samples.

Lands Of Lore: Game rip
"My favs still my favs here ;p" (by MabsKMK, 19 Apr 2015) [8/10]
Just wonderful
Lands_11, Lands_17, Lands_54, Lands_67, Lands_69, Lands_76
Nice work Frank!

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