Magic Carpet in Soundfonts
This set sounds good with the soundfont Musyng Kite, and excellent with Aspirin 2015. Seriously, use Aspirin for this.
The GM/GS/MT32 "16.5mg v2.51" is playing some instruments abnormally quietly (or missing entirely?) for the "MUSIC0-x" line. Same for Airfont v3.40 (a340.sf2); Chaos Bank (definitely quiet rather than missing); and Patch93's remake of the SC-55.
Fluid R3 showed promise before abruptly busting out the ear-splitting tones... edit those down, and figure out what's up with the quiet background instruments and this makes for a solid choice.
Weeds GM4Updated doesn't work at all, which is weird.
No tracks are compatable with piano-only soundfonts.