stats track kicks ass
First of all 7th legion sounds very similiar to the C&C series music by Frank Klepacki which is a high praise. Download it just for the "stats" track. We are going to war!
also Title track and track01 are worth mentioning. 7th legion as a game was great for the card system, videos (I can still hear in my head the into - "Our ancestors departed into the darkness of space, many lives was sacraficed to inure the safty and survival of man kind..." "your whole life was bound to this moment..you...are...the...choisen!" "the most powerful of those legions was the 7th legion"). The game mechanic was not-so-great, but hell yeah, music in this game is something to remember. Matter of fact I will break open my old dusty 7th legion case right now for a little re-visit after ....omg over a decade...