Aladdin: Game rip

Game info
Name: Aladdin
Characteristics: Action, Platform, Side-Scrolling, Arcade, Licensed Title
Publishers: Virgin Interactive, Atari, Ubi Soft, Sega, Capcom, Disney Software, Virgin, Nintendo, UBI Soft Entertainment, Capcom Entertainment, Walt Disney Computer Software
Developers: Capcom, Disney Software, Virgin, Virgin Games, Disney, Crawfish Interactive, Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Capcom Entertainment
Original/port composers: Tommy Tallarico, Andrew Barnabas (Amiga)
Game Boy - United States
Super NES - Europe
Sega GameGear
Nintendo Ent. System (1992) - Europe
Sega Mega Drive (1993) - United States
Super NES (26 Nov 1993) - Japan
Game Boy (1994)
Super NES (1994) - United States
Amiga (1994) - Europe
PC Windows (1994)
PC Dos (1994) - Europe
Sega Master System (1994)
Game Boy Color (Sep 2000) - United States
Game Boy Color (20 Nov 2000) - Europe
Game Boy Advance (Unfinished) - Japan
Music info
Released: 26 Nov 1993
Related Plaform: Amiga
Format: Tracked music (MOD / XM / S3M / IT)

Composer of these tunes: Andrew Barnabas
Source / Archiver / Ripper: Mirsoft, UnExoticA
Music type: Game rip 
Archived process: Archived completely
Num of tunes: 2
Size of archive: 385 KBytes
User reviews
- "Resemblance in Game Music?" (by SpikeMap, 2 Apr 2004) [7/10]
The first song is well known from the movie, and sounds realy great. The second song is quite nice, but I doesn\'t fit in the game genre and has no resemblance with the first song
- "[Grunt]" (by Dr. Spa, 25 Jun 2004) [7/10]
Yeah my review would sort of say the same. Tune number 1 sounds like the film music. The other sounds like "Arabian Nights : Game Rip (MOD)". Lots of bells and vibes and things... I say why didn't Mirsoft allow the one I uploaded "Prince Ali". It was only a remix!
- "Excellent Tunes" (by JudgeDeadd, 22 Jul 2006) [10/10]
There's a lot of excellent music in this zip file. The Aladdin game has wonderful, humorous and Arabic-sounding tunes. I especially dig the music from sultan's Palace.
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Facts / description
More info here:
Music download
Download Game Music in ZIP archive! (2 tunes actually in this archive)
Download Game music from UnExoticA! (2 tunes)
Other music records from this game
Other tools
Generate info.txt - with this cool feature you can generate the info.txt file with all tune information and save it somewhere, which means you'll have something like "tune ID card"! :) This has cool advantages - it's small, fastly readable/editable, you can add it to the tune archive if you want and you will have everytime fast information about the game and music archive. Also programs which support reading from txt files (such as KBMedia Player) can read the info.txt file directly while playing tunes of all formats!
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