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Diablo (Blizzard): Game rip

Game info

Name: Diablo (Blizzard)
Alternate name: Diablo
Characteristics: Action, Role-Playing (RPG), Isometric, 3rd-Person Perspective, Real-Time, Medieval / Fantasy, Horror, like Diablo
Publishers: Sierra, Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Broderbund, EA, Blizzard Entertainment, EA Victor
Developers: Electronic Arts, Blizzard, Broderbund, Inc.
Original/port composers: Glenn Stafford, Matt Uelmen
PC Dos
MSX (1989) - Japan
PC Windows (1996)
PlayStation (1998) - United States
PlayStation (Apr 1998) - Europe
PlayStation (09 Jul 1998) - Japan

Music info

Released: 1996
Format: Digital audio (WAV / Redbook Audio / MP3)
Composers of these tunes: Glenn Stafford, Matt Uelmen
Music type: Game rip
My rating: 5/10
Num of tunes (original): 8
Num of CDs: 1

My info

Well, this is soundtrack of big two differences. On the one side you can listen to great 'Diablo-Town' track, which is real class RPG track played on real guitars and is also famous enough to make Diablo music be rated as great. But when you will look closer, the rest of music is mostly ambient, and has not many fresh ideas - it seems as the authors showed everything they knew in that first track... [5/10]

User reviews

  • "Stay a while and listen" (by Warcow, 16 Nov 2011) [9/10]
    The town and the first dungeon songs are really good in my opinion and I also really enjoy the intro song and the tune when being in the hell levels. The whole atmosphere of those songs are great with medieval/gothic type of melodies and some with plain evil music. The other songs, Catacombs and Caves, are a bit ambient but with a few melodic parts here and there, one of them contains an electric guitar. I think it is a soundtrack that grows more and more so it requires atleast a couple of listenings before it can be fully appreciated, atleast it was that way for me.

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Facts / description

I'm missing one track? And the quality is also rather low, but it doesn't affect experience a lot.

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Record created/updated: 28. August 2002.
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Generate info.txt - with this cool feature you can generate the info.txt file with all tune information and save it somewhere, which means you'll have something like "tune ID card"! :) This has cool advantages - it's small, fastly readable/editable, you can add it to the tune archive if you want and you will have everytime fast information about the game and music archive. Also programs which support reading from txt files (such as KBMedia Player) can read the info.txt file directly while playing tunes of all formats!

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