Games published and developed by Visit:Shinri Game IV, The19:03 Agano Hatsu Yakou ResshaNovelsInagawa AtsujiDai-Yuurei YashikiUranai, The: The AstrogyUranai 2, The: The TarotShinri Game 5, TheOyaji no JikanShinri Game 6, TheHeisa ByouinShiki Oriori no Bass TsuriUranai 3, The: Mainichi Houi UranaiShinri Game 8, TheJellyfishUranai 5, TheUranai 6, TheShinri Game 9, TheShinri Game 10, TheKyoto Bugi MonogatariSalary Man Settai Mahjong
Games only published by VisitThese games have been published by Visit, but developer is someone else (or developer is unknown, which may mean it's the same as the publisher, but I can't tell that for sure): Shinri Game, TheShinri Game 2, TheAppleseedOnsei Ninshiki MahjongSaishuu DenshaAkazu no AidaDaiobake YashikiKuri SkunkShinri Game 3, TheShinri Game 7, TheUranai 4, TheTarot MysteryZengoku Juudan Ultra Shinri GameRentaiouDog Master, The